A criação de subclasses na recuperação judicial e o tratamento isonômico de credores
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Queiroz, Isabela Nigro
Vasconcelos, Ronaldo
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Membros da banca
O presente artigo científico tem como objetivo de estudo dois dos princípios presentes na recuperação judicial: (i) a par conditio creditorum e (ii) o princípio da preservação da empresa, bem como o modo que eles se relacionam com o crescente entendimento da doutrina e jurisprudência no direito brasileiro de que é legitima a criação de subclasses no instituto da Recuperação Judicial, dentro de cada classe de credores. Entretanto, que tal possibilidade deve atender critérios e requisito, que estarão sujeitos ao controle judicial do Plano de Recuperação Judicial, para verificação de se tal método tem como finalidade a preservação da empresa, garantindo um dos principais objetivos da Recuperação Judicial.
The subject of this article is the study of two principles of the Bankruptcy’s Law: (i) the par conditio creditorum and (ii) the company’s preservation, and the way that they relate to the doctrine and jurisprudence’s understandings in Brazilian Law that the creation of creditors’ subclasses in the insolvency’s proceeding is permitted by law. However, it must attend requirements that will be subjected to the judicial control of the judicial reorganization plan in order to verify if the company’s preservation is it purpose, ensuring one of the main objectives of the Insolvency’s Proceeding.
The subject of this article is the study of two principles of the Bankruptcy’s Law: (i) the par conditio creditorum and (ii) the company’s preservation, and the way that they relate to the doctrine and jurisprudence’s understandings in Brazilian Law that the creation of creditors’ subclasses in the insolvency’s proceeding is permitted by law. However, it must attend requirements that will be subjected to the judicial control of the judicial reorganization plan in order to verify if the company’s preservation is it purpose, ensuring one of the main objectives of the Insolvency’s Proceeding.
recuperação judicial , preservação da empresa , par conditio creditorum , subclasses de credores , judicial reorganization , principle of company’s preservation , par conditio creditorum , creditors’ subclasses