A ilegalidade da incidência de ITBI nas promessas de compra e venda de bem imóvel
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Santos, Igor Bezerra da Silva
Almeida, Maria Cecília Ladeira de
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Este trabalho visa apresentar o resultado da pesquisa acerca da ilegalidade da incidência de
ITBI nas promessas de compra e venda de bem imóvel. Para tanto, serão analisados aspectos
gerais do imposto, como a legislação, a regra-matriz do fato gerador e o momento da incidência
do tributo; aspectos dos direitos reais de propriedade e do promitente comprador; bem como a
jurisprudência consolidada pelos Tribunais Superiores acerca do tema. Defenderá nesta sucinta
produção que as promessas de compra e venda, ainda que registradas em Cartório de Imóveis
se encontram no campo obrigacional do direito civil, portanto não é fato gerador para a
incidência do ITBI. O fato gerador do referido imposto se aperfeiçoa somente a partir do
registro do título aquisitivo da propriedade em Cartório de Imóveis, nos termos da legislação
This work aims to present the result of the research about the illegality of the ITBI incidence in the promises of purchase and sale of real estate. To this end, general aspects of the tax will be analyzed, such as legislation, the matrix rule of the taxable event and the moment of tax levy; aspects of real property rights and the promising buyer; as well as the jurisprudence consolidated by the Superior Courts on the subject. It will defend in this succinct production that the promises of purchase and sale, even if registered in the Real Estate Registry are in the mandatory field of the civil law, therefore it is not a generating fact for the incidence of ITBI. The taxable event for said tax is improved only after the registration of the property's title in Real Estate Office, under the terms of civil legislation.
This work aims to present the result of the research about the illegality of the ITBI incidence in the promises of purchase and sale of real estate. To this end, general aspects of the tax will be analyzed, such as legislation, the matrix rule of the taxable event and the moment of tax levy; aspects of real property rights and the promising buyer; as well as the jurisprudence consolidated by the Superior Courts on the subject. It will defend in this succinct production that the promises of purchase and sale, even if registered in the Real Estate Registry are in the mandatory field of the civil law, therefore it is not a generating fact for the incidence of ITBI. The taxable event for said tax is improved only after the registration of the property's title in Real Estate Office, under the terms of civil legislation.
ITBI , promessa de compra e venda , registro imobiliário , propriedade , promise to buy and sell , real estate registration , property