Prescrição intercorrente: do julgamento do RESP n°1.340.553/RS sob a sistemática de recursos repetitivos, à luz das execuções fiscais de natureza tributária (temas 566 a 571 do STJ)
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Garcia, Raiza da Costa
Chimenti, Ricardo Cunha
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Membros da banca
O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar as teses tributárias sobre a contagem do prazo de prescrição intercorrente, fixadas no julgamento do Recurso Especial nº 1.340.553/RS. Demonstrada a divergência dos Tribunais Regionais Federais, anterior ao julgamento do recurso mencionado, verifica-se a existência de inúmeros processos que tratam sobre o mesmo tema, em que foram atribuídos resultados diversos pela simples distribuição à magistrados diferentes. Nesse sentido, cumpre esclarecer a relevância dos recursos representativos de controvérsia para que sejam respeitados os princípios da celeridade processual, isonomia e segurança jurídica. Ademais, verifica-se a necessidade do exercício da hermenêutica para que os benefícios da fixação de tese se concretizem, de modo que os precedentes devem ser aplicados de forma coerente com os casos concretos.
This article concerns the analysis on tax theses related to the limitation period of tax enforcement proceedings outlined in the judgment of the Special Appeal No. 1.340.553/RS. In advance to the referred Special Appeal, the divergence of the Federal Regional Courts points out the existence of several cases concerning the same subject. However, the referred cases had different results due to the different filling of the proceedings. In this regard, it is necessary to clarify the relevance of controversy representative appeal to ensure the respect to the promptness in the procedures, isonomy and legal certainty principles. Furthermore, it is necessary to exercise hermeneutics in order to benefit the performance of the thesis’ fixation, so that the precedents are used consistently with the specific cases.
This article concerns the analysis on tax theses related to the limitation period of tax enforcement proceedings outlined in the judgment of the Special Appeal No. 1.340.553/RS. In advance to the referred Special Appeal, the divergence of the Federal Regional Courts points out the existence of several cases concerning the same subject. However, the referred cases had different results due to the different filling of the proceedings. In this regard, it is necessary to clarify the relevance of controversy representative appeal to ensure the respect to the promptness in the procedures, isonomy and legal certainty principles. Furthermore, it is necessary to exercise hermeneutics in order to benefit the performance of the thesis’ fixation, so that the precedents are used consistently with the specific cases.
limitation period of tax enforcement , divergence of federal regional court , special appeal relevance , prescrição intercorrente , divergência dos tribunais regionais federais , relevância recursos repetitivos