O ensino híbrido como metodologia na educação infantil (4 a 5 anos)
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Oliveira, Camila de Jesus
Martins, Priscila Monte Alegre
Martins, Priscila Monte Alegre
Lopes, Ana Lucia de Souza
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Com um olhar atento para as tendências contemporâneas que afetam a vida humana e
reconhecendo o valor e a importância da formação durante a Educação Infantil, esta pesquisa
bibliográfica almeja produzir conhecimentos para aplicação do ensino híbrido, incorporando-o
na elaboração de planos de aulas, para crianças com 4 e 5 anos, contribuindo na prática
pedagógica para promover o protagonismo infantil e impulsionar o desenvolvimento da criança,
como preconiza a Base Nacional Comum Curricular. Para tanto foram analisados desde
documentos oficiais legislativos a livros, artigos, pesquisas publicadas tanto em meios físicos,
como virtuais e websites com materiais escritos e audiovisuais de pesquisadores renomados em
ensino híbrido e metodologias ativas. Para o levantamento de dados e análises foram
consultados autores como Almeida (2018), Arcega (2018), Bacich (2016), Christensen; Horn;
Staker (2013), Camargo; Daros (2013), Machado; Lupepso; Jungbluth (2017), Morales
Pinheiro (2010), Moran (2015). Como fruto das análises foram traçadas estratégias, reunidas
em um e-book, que visam dar subsídios na aplicação do ensino híbrido na Educação Infantil de
maneira que respeite o tempo, as particularidades e o desenvolvimento nesta fase, adaptando
quando necessário o uso dessas metodologias e destacando a importância da relação entre
família e escola neste processo.
With a watchful eye for contemporary trends that affect human life and recognizing the value and importance of training during Early Childhood Education, this bibliographic research aims to produce knowledge for the application of blended learning, incorporating it in the preparation of lesson plans for children aged 4 and 5, contributing to pedagogical practice to promote child protagonism and boost the child's development, as advocated by the National Common Curricular Base. To reach this objective, we analyzed from official legislative documents to books, articles, research published both in physical and virtual media and websites with written and audiovisual materials by renowned researchers in blended learning and active methodologies. For data collection and analysis, authors were consulted, such as Almeida (2018), Arcega (2018), Bacich (2016), Christensen; Horn; Staker (2013), Camargo; Daros (2013), Machado; Lupepso; Jungbluth (2017), Morales Pinheiro (2010), Moran (2015). As a result of the analyzes, strategies were drawn up, gathered in an e-book, which aim to provide subsidies in the application of blended learning in Early Childhood Education in a way that respects the time, the particularities and the development in this phase, adapting when necessary the use of these methodologies and highlighting the importance of the relationship between family and school in this process.
With a watchful eye for contemporary trends that affect human life and recognizing the value and importance of training during Early Childhood Education, this bibliographic research aims to produce knowledge for the application of blended learning, incorporating it in the preparation of lesson plans for children aged 4 and 5, contributing to pedagogical practice to promote child protagonism and boost the child's development, as advocated by the National Common Curricular Base. To reach this objective, we analyzed from official legislative documents to books, articles, research published both in physical and virtual media and websites with written and audiovisual materials by renowned researchers in blended learning and active methodologies. For data collection and analysis, authors were consulted, such as Almeida (2018), Arcega (2018), Bacich (2016), Christensen; Horn; Staker (2013), Camargo; Daros (2013), Machado; Lupepso; Jungbluth (2017), Morales Pinheiro (2010), Moran (2015). As a result of the analyzes, strategies were drawn up, gathered in an e-book, which aim to provide subsidies in the application of blended learning in Early Childhood Education in a way that respects the time, the particularities and the development in this phase, adapting when necessary the use of these methodologies and highlighting the importance of the relationship between family and school in this process.
BNCC , educação infantil , ensino híbrido , metodologias ativas , early childhood education , blended learning , active methodologies