IPVA: guerra fiscal e a extrafiscalidade
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Araújo, Kinderman Thompson Paula Neves de
Medeiros, Edmundo Emerson de
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver um estudo sobre o Imposto sobre
a Propriedade de Veículo Automotor, o chamado IPVA, determinando suas
características gerais através do instrumento de interpretação da regra-matriz de
incidência; denotando suas controvérsias, como por exemplo o termo veículo
automotor; a relação com o conflito entre os entes federativos chamado de Guerra
Fiscal; a atuação ou a falta de atuação do STF e do Congresso e, por fim, de sua
finalidade extrafiscal, na medida que este se torna um instrumento de política pública;
levando a um entendimento amplo do tributo.
The present work aims to develop a study on the Tax on the Ownership of Automotive Vehicle, called the IPVA, determining its general characteristics through the instrument of interpretation of the constructivism logical-semantic; denoting their controversies, for instance the term automotive vehicle; the relation to the conflict between federative entities called Tax War; the action or the lack of action of the Supreme Court of Brazil and the Congress, and, finally, its extrafiscal purpose, as it becomes an instrument of public policy; leading to a broad understanding of the tax.
The present work aims to develop a study on the Tax on the Ownership of Automotive Vehicle, called the IPVA, determining its general characteristics through the instrument of interpretation of the constructivism logical-semantic; denoting their controversies, for instance the term automotive vehicle; the relation to the conflict between federative entities called Tax War; the action or the lack of action of the Supreme Court of Brazil and the Congress, and, finally, its extrafiscal purpose, as it becomes an instrument of public policy; leading to a broad understanding of the tax.
IPVA , controvérsias , guerra fiscal , extrafiscalidade , controversies , Ffiscal war , extrafiscality