O mecanismo da compensação ambiental e a destinação dos recursos dela provenientes
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Façanha, Camila Aby Azar
Almeida, Washington Carlos de
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Discussões sobre o meio ambiente são, atualmente, cada vez mais frequentes. Diante
da crescente preocupação com a preservação do nosso planeta, a atual Constituição Federal
reconheceu o meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado como um direito fundamental, ou
seja, um direito e um dever de todos. Neste sentido, nas palavras de BORILE (2016), o
Direito Ambiental surgiu diante da necessidade de proteção ao meio ambiente, visto a
participação do homem na exploração desenfreada dos recursos naturais, fundada na
economia crescente e no mercado cada vez mais amplo, diversificado e exigente. Quando
estamos diante de possíveis impactos ambientais, a legislação prevê instrumentos visando
evitar ou, ao menos, reduzir a degradação. Dentre eles, podemos citar a Compensação
Ambiental, um instrumento financeiro que busca contrabalancear os impactos ambientais
previstos ou já ocorridos na implantação de empreendimentos. O presente estudo visa analisar
no que consiste esse mecanismo e qual a real eficácia dos recursos dele provenientes para a
geração de impactos positivos ao meio ambiente. Para tanto, contempla as discussões acerca
do tema, inclusive quanto à sua inconstitucionalidade, através do estudo da legislação
competente e da jurisprudência.
Discussions on the matter of environment preservation are becoming increasingly common today. In face of the growing concern with the environmental devastation of our Planet, the current Brazilian Federal Constitution established the ecologically balanced environment as a Fundamental Right, which in practice means a right and a duty. In this context, the Brazilian Environmental Law emerged to protect the environment and to mitigate and compensate the impacts caused by the increased demand of our society in the unbridled exploitation of natural resources, based on the growing economy and the increasingly broad, diverse and demanding market. When faced with a potential environmental impact, our legislation provides legal instruments to prevent or at least reduce and mitigate the environmental degradation. Among them we highlight the Environmental Compensation, a financial instrument which seeks to counterbalance the environmental impacts, whether actual or anticipated, most commonly caused by the exercise of economic activities This present study aims to analyze this mechanism including its concept and how effective it is generating positive impacts to the environment. For this purpose, it contemplates the current discussions on this subject, including about its unconstitutionality, through the study of the applicable law and the jurisprudence.
Discussions on the matter of environment preservation are becoming increasingly common today. In face of the growing concern with the environmental devastation of our Planet, the current Brazilian Federal Constitution established the ecologically balanced environment as a Fundamental Right, which in practice means a right and a duty. In this context, the Brazilian Environmental Law emerged to protect the environment and to mitigate and compensate the impacts caused by the increased demand of our society in the unbridled exploitation of natural resources, based on the growing economy and the increasingly broad, diverse and demanding market. When faced with a potential environmental impact, our legislation provides legal instruments to prevent or at least reduce and mitigate the environmental degradation. Among them we highlight the Environmental Compensation, a financial instrument which seeks to counterbalance the environmental impacts, whether actual or anticipated, most commonly caused by the exercise of economic activities This present study aims to analyze this mechanism including its concept and how effective it is generating positive impacts to the environment. For this purpose, it contemplates the current discussions on this subject, including about its unconstitutionality, through the study of the applicable law and the jurisprudence.
compensação ambiental , direito ambiental , meio ambiente , environmental compensation , environmental law , environmental