Produção de conteúdo digital na escola: holocausto e mídias sociais nas aulas de língua portuguesa
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Barbosa, Larissa Ferreira
Martins, Valéria Bussola
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A Base Nacional Comum Curricular evidencia que trabalhos que fazem uso de
estratégias de ensino variadas têm maior chance de atingir com êxito os seus
objetivos. É pensando em uma diversidade de estratégias, cuidadosamente
planejadas e justificadas, que surgiu este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso que
apresenta uma sequência didática, voltada para os anos finais do Ensino
Fundamental, sobre o objeto de conhecimento Holocausto. A necessidade de criar
diferentes interações entre os discentes e os objetos de conhecimento levou em
consideração, também, um possível diálogo com outros componentes curriculares,
como História. Além disso, ressalta-se que a proposta pedagógica aqui descrita,
elaborada para ser utilizada nas aulas de leitura, compreensão, interpretação e
produção textual em Língua Portuguesa do 9º. ano, calcou seus esforços em
aproximar cultura digital e aprendizado, fazendo uso de diversas mídias, como jogos
digitais, filmes, livros e podcasts. Objetivando desenvolver o pensamento crítico,
dinâmico, significativo e contextualizado do alunado, almejou-se aproximar a dinâmica
desenvolvida durante as aulas propostas à consciência dos problemas reais do mundo
do passado e de hoje, gerando debates reflexivos entre os alunos e professores.
Foram usados como referenciais teóricos os pensamentos de Brasil (2017),
Bittencourt e Karvat (2013), Freire (2011), Martins (2014), Miniuci (2017), Pereira e
Gitz (2014) e Reiss (2018).
The Base Nacional Comum Curricular shows that works that make use of varied teaching strategies are more likely to achieve their goals successfully. It is thinking about various strategies, carefully planned and justified, that this concept appeared, which presents a didactic sequence, focused on the final years of Elementary School, on the object of knowledge about the Holocaust. The need to create different interactions between students and knowledge objects also took into account a possible dialogue with other curricular components, such as history. Also, it should be noted that the pedagogical proposal described here, designed to be used in the reading, comprehension, interpretation, and textual production classes in the 9th year of schooling, extending all efforts on bringing digital culture and learning together, making use of various media, such as digital games, films, books, and podcasts. The aim is to develop the critical, dynamic, meaningful, and contextualized thinking of the students, bringing the dynamics developed during the classes proposed to the awareness of the real problems of the past and today, and generate reflective debates between students and teachers. The thoughts of Brasil (2017), Bittencourt and Karvat (2013), Freire (2011), Martins (2014), Miniuci (2017), Pereira and Gitz (2014), and Reiss (2018) were used as theoretical references.
The Base Nacional Comum Curricular shows that works that make use of varied teaching strategies are more likely to achieve their goals successfully. It is thinking about various strategies, carefully planned and justified, that this concept appeared, which presents a didactic sequence, focused on the final years of Elementary School, on the object of knowledge about the Holocaust. The need to create different interactions between students and knowledge objects also took into account a possible dialogue with other curricular components, such as history. Also, it should be noted that the pedagogical proposal described here, designed to be used in the reading, comprehension, interpretation, and textual production classes in the 9th year of schooling, extending all efforts on bringing digital culture and learning together, making use of various media, such as digital games, films, books, and podcasts. The aim is to develop the critical, dynamic, meaningful, and contextualized thinking of the students, bringing the dynamics developed during the classes proposed to the awareness of the real problems of the past and today, and generate reflective debates between students and teachers. The thoughts of Brasil (2017), Bittencourt and Karvat (2013), Freire (2011), Martins (2014), Miniuci (2017), Pereira and Gitz (2014), and Reiss (2018) were used as theoretical references.
BNCC , língua portuguesa , cultura digital , holocausto , produção textual , BNCC , portuguese language , digital culture , holocaust , text production