Ciências da Religião - Dissertação - CEFT Higienópolis
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- DissertaçãoO aconselhamento bíblico no âmbito religioso e sua aplicação: uma análise entre literatura de autoajuda e a prática pastoral e leigaGarcia, Otoniel Mariano (2019-08-16)
Centro de Educação, Filosofia e Teologia (CEFT)
To analyze Biblical Counseling in the perspective of Jay Adams we must begin by analyzing the neutral methodology proposed by him. This word has by variant of noutheeth, and is translated by advise. Yet this is much more than just a moment of conversation, the counseling proposed and by him works the exhortation for instruction and correction. This instruction is through the bible which is the Word of God. That's why Jay Adams's Biblical Counseling is all grounded in the Bible, so the counselor does not speak of himself, but conveys biblical principles to his counselor. Already for Edir Macedo's Self-Help Movement, the basis is in Prosperity Theology. The directing of preaching and testimonies that are broadcast on the television and radio media for the primary purpose of offering help to people who are experiencing difficulties, spiritual, physical or material. There is no denying that the aid offered is justified because of the market analysis (demand). In the television media, the channel most engaged with the delivery of religious discourse is Record since the publication known as "Folha Universal" which includes sessions such as "bishop's words" and "miracles of faith" (RODRIGUES, 2002). Jay Adams's Biblical Counseling differs from the self-help movement proposed by Edir Macedo. When comparing the two segments, it is possible to identify elements that constitute Edir Macedo's discourse to the market and ethical ideas that stimulate consumption in contemporary capitalist society. Such elements were not identified in Jay Adams's Biblical Counseling. - DissertaçãoAnálise existencial e a logoterapia de Viktor Emil Frankl como ferramentas para o aconselhamento bíblico e as contribuições da visão integracionista de Gary R. CollinsRodrigues, Alcilene Evangelista Campos (2009-08-05)
Este trabalho parte do pressuposto que os métodos psicológicos, embora sejam elaborados a partir de uma visão centrada no homem e, na maioria dos casos, rejeitem completamente a idéia de Deus, não podem ser desprezados em seu todo, pois, em maior ou menor grau, fornecem elementos que podem e devem ser utilizados no contexto do aconselhamento bíblico. Mesmo algumas vertentes mais radicais, que chegam até a negar a existência ou a necessidade de qualquer espiritualidade para o ser humano, contêm elementos que apontam para buscas que são comuns ao aconselhamento. A inter-relação psicologia aconselhamento permanece até certo ponto velada, atualmente, devido à da resistência de boa parte dos proponentes do Aconselhamento Bíblico que insistem em rejeitar qualquer utilização dos sistemas seculares. Há momentos, entretanto, que ela se torna manifesta com maior ou menor clareza e o empreendimento de esforços para listar e verificar a aplicabilidade destes pontos de contato se faz necessária. Deve-se, para tanto, retomar a cooperação ocorrida no final do século 19 e expandir este estudo às vertentes surgidas durante o século 20. Neste sentido, considera-se, no presente trabalho, a aplicabilidade do sistema logoterapêutico, defendido pelo psicólogo existencialista Viktor Emil Frankl, como ferramenta de apoio ao cuidado pastoral, considerando as contribuições do modelo de aconselhamento e da visão integracionista de Gary R. Collins. - DissertaçãoUma análise teológica e psicológica do aconselhamento bíblico de Jay Adams e seguidoresRamos, Eliezer Victor Pereira (2009-02-09)
This research compares the Biblical counseling developed and proposed by Jay Edward Adams and the Analytic Psychology of Carl Gustav Jung. According to Jay Adams, in order to be Biblical, the counseling must be Nouthetic, word transliterated from Greek and which is related to confrontation and exhortation. This is the main idea of Jay Adams counseling: confrontation of personal sin in the life of the person who has been counseled. As it is said by the author, there are not the words neurosis and psychosis , they are something that science created, behind all not organic disease there is a personal sin which must be confronted so as to have the repentance, or, to change the behavior. In the same way, John MacArthur Jr. developed his Biblical counseling establishing a substantial division between Psychology and Counseling, position that all Christians, compromised with the Bible, have to take. However, the life of Jung is opposed to this idea. He, who founded the field of Analytic Psychology, declares to be protestant and protector of the Christian faithfulness. Therefore, there are two positions of Christians on Psychology and, consequently, a theological and psychological analysis of Biblical Counseling in the last chapter. Thus, for the theological analysis, there are two main points: first, the Biblical counselors who follow Jay Adams thoughts and who indicate, in a way out of proportion, the God s special Revelation and with a reduction of the General Revelation importance, not taking into consideration that God gives intellectual capacity, using common recognition, for all human beings; second, the Biblical counselors state that the Bible is a counseling manual par excellence, although, It does not take some themes of mental disorders, but establishes thoughts categories so as the humanity, agreeing with the Bible, help his or her Brother. The psychological analysis indicates only one point: the definition of mental disease of the Biblical counseling, since it is the principal possibility, as a helpful device, will determine the position of someone in relation to Psychology. Jung asserts that the mental equilibrium is established in a healthy relation between conscious and unconsciousness, since it is essential to mental health in order to know and understand unconscious aspects of personality, a constructive attitude for the future. - DissertaçãoA psicologia e a Bíblia no aconselhamento de Larry CrabbAlmeida, Loyde Gonçalves de (2010-03-10)
This research aims to clarify the method of biblical counseling by Larry Crabb from the point of view of psychology and the Bible to bring a careful integration. Achieving an approach solidly based on Bible Scriptures, using the tools of secular psychology without betraying the "Biblical premise". Which encourages belief in the inerrant Bible and the grace of Christ almighty, believing that there is a personal and infinite God that revealed themself purposely in the written word, the Bible, and personally in the living word, Jesus Christ. In Crabb's approach the "mistaken belief , produce negative feelings and behaviors that prevent us to provide the need of a relationship with the Sacred. The purpose of the theory is focused on correcting negative thoughts and to promote the appropriate thought to produce correct behaviors and feelings. The focus is on the thoughts. The feelings of resentment, guilt and anxiety are the focal point of the disorder produced. Therefore, the task of a biblical counselor is directed to comprehend and unveil people's basic personal needs defined as meaning. Moreover let them perceive that this meaning is only attained through the recognition of their own value and importance in Christ, which Crabb defines as security. His theory is advised to leaders because it involves a transformative approach, highlighting the faith in God and the appreciation of the Bible as the Word of God.