Análise existencial e a logoterapia de Viktor Emil Frankl como ferramentas para o aconselhamento bíblico e as contribuições da visão integracionista de Gary R. Collins
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Rodrigues, Alcilene Evangelista Campos
Gomes, Antonio Máspoli de Araújo
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Pereira, João Baptista Borges
Pazinato, Patricia
Pazinato, Patricia
Ciências da Religião
Este trabalho parte do pressuposto que os métodos psicológicos, embora sejam elaborados a partir de uma visão centrada no homem e, na maioria dos casos, rejeitem completamente a idéia de Deus, não podem ser desprezados em seu todo, pois, em maior ou menor grau, fornecem elementos que podem e devem ser utilizados no contexto do aconselhamento bíblico. Mesmo algumas vertentes mais radicais, que chegam até a negar a existência ou a necessidade de qualquer espiritualidade para o ser humano, contêm elementos que apontam para buscas que são comuns ao aconselhamento. A inter-relação psicologia aconselhamento permanece até certo ponto velada, atualmente, devido à da resistência de boa parte dos proponentes do Aconselhamento Bíblico que insistem em rejeitar qualquer utilização dos sistemas seculares. Há momentos, entretanto, que ela se torna manifesta com maior ou menor clareza e o empreendimento de esforços para listar e
verificar a aplicabilidade destes pontos de contato se faz necessária. Deve-se, para tanto, retomar a cooperação ocorrida no final do século 19 e expandir este estudo às
vertentes surgidas durante o século 20. Neste sentido, considera-se, no presente trabalho, a aplicabilidade do sistema logoterapêutico, defendido pelo psicólogo existencialista Viktor Emil Frankl, como ferramenta de apoio ao cuidado pastoral, considerando as contribuições do modelo de aconselhamento e da visão integracionista de Gary R. Collins.
This work starts with the presupposition that the psychological methods, though they are prepared from a vision centered in the man and, in most of the cases, reject completely the idea of God, they cannot be disregarded in their totality, because, anyway, they provide elements that can and must be used in the context of the biblical counseling. Even some more radical subdivisions, which even deny the existence or the necessity of any spirituality for the human being, contain elements that point out searches that are common to the counseling. The inter-relation psychology-counseling remains, to a certain extent, nowadays, isolated, due to the resistance of part of the Biblical Counseling proponents that insist in rejecting any use of the secular systems. However, there are some moments, that it is shown with more or less understanding and making efforts to list and to check the applicability of these points of contact is necessary. For that, it is needed to reconsider the cooperation occurred in the end of the nineteenth (19th) century and to develop this study to the slopes appeared during the twentieth (20th) century. In this sense, it can be considered, in this work, the applicability of the Logotherapy system, defended by the existentialist psychologist Viktor Emil Frankl as a useful tool to the pastoral care,considering the contributions of the counseling model and Gary R. Collins integrationist point of view.
This work starts with the presupposition that the psychological methods, though they are prepared from a vision centered in the man and, in most of the cases, reject completely the idea of God, they cannot be disregarded in their totality, because, anyway, they provide elements that can and must be used in the context of the biblical counseling. Even some more radical subdivisions, which even deny the existence or the necessity of any spirituality for the human being, contain elements that point out searches that are common to the counseling. The inter-relation psychology-counseling remains, to a certain extent, nowadays, isolated, due to the resistance of part of the Biblical Counseling proponents that insist in rejecting any use of the secular systems. However, there are some moments, that it is shown with more or less understanding and making efforts to list and to check the applicability of these points of contact is necessary. For that, it is needed to reconsider the cooperation occurred in the end of the nineteenth (19th) century and to develop this study to the slopes appeared during the twentieth (20th) century. In this sense, it can be considered, in this work, the applicability of the Logotherapy system, defended by the existentialist psychologist Viktor Emil Frankl as a useful tool to the pastoral care,considering the contributions of the counseling model and Gary R. Collins integrationist point of view.
métodos psicológicos , aconselhamento bíblico , sistema logoterapêutico , psychological methods , biblical counseling , logotherapy system