O aconselhamento bíblico no âmbito religioso e sua aplicação: uma análise entre literatura de autoajuda e a prática pastoral e leiga

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Garcia, Otoniel Mariano
Bitun, Ricardo
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Barbosa, Geraldo Henrique Lemos
Rega, Lourenço Stelio
Ciências da Religião
To analyze Biblical Counseling in the perspective of Jay Adams we must begin by analyzing the neutral methodology proposed by him. This word has by variant of noutheeth, and is translated by advise. Yet this is much more than just a moment of conversation, the counseling proposed and by him works the exhortation for instruction and correction. This instruction is through the bible which is the Word of God. That's why Jay Adams's Biblical Counseling is all grounded in the Bible, so the counselor does not speak of himself, but conveys biblical principles to his counselor. Already for Edir Macedo's Self-Help Movement, the basis is in Prosperity Theology. The directing of preaching and testimonies that are broadcast on the television and radio media for the primary purpose of offering help to people who are experiencing difficulties, spiritual, physical or material. There is no denying that the aid offered is justified because of the market analysis (demand). In the television media, the channel most engaged with the delivery of religious discourse is Record since the publication known as "Folha Universal" which includes sessions such as "bishop's words" and "miracles of faith" (RODRIGUES, 2002). Jay Adams's Biblical Counseling differs from the self-help movement proposed by Edir Macedo. When comparing the two segments, it is possible to identify elements that constitute Edir Macedo's discourse to the market and ethical ideas that stimulate consumption in contemporary capitalist society. Such elements were not identified in Jay Adams's Biblical Counseling.
aconselhamento bíblico , autoajuda , Jay Adams , Edir Macedo
Assuntos Scopus
GARCIA, Otoniel Mariano. O aconselhamento bíblico no âmbito religioso e sua aplicação: uma análise entre literatura de autoajuda e a prática pastoral e leiga. 2019. 80 f. Dissertação (Ciências da Religião) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.