Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional (PDE): contribuições para o desenvolvimento profissional de professores da rede estadual de educação básica do estado do Paraná

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Peixoto, Reginaldo
Mizukami, Maria da Graça Nicoletti
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Andrade, Maria de Fátima Ramos de
Aparício, Ana Sílvia Moço
Souza Neto, João Clemente de
Garcia, Paulo Sérgio
The work presented here aims to analyze how the Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional - PDE, for the continuing education of teachers of Basic Education in the State of Paraná. As for the methodology, the research has a descriptive-analytical approach, of a qualitative nature and was carried out through an empirical study, with data collection from instruments compatible with theoretical and methodological coherence, whose purpose is to know and analyze a cut of a reality, referring to formative processes derived from a public policy of continuous teacher training, from the perspective of the participants, who are effective teachers of the Rede Estadual de Educação Básica do Estado do Paraná, which concluded the Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional - PDE. In order to fulfill the research objective, in the first chapter we will discuss public policies on teacher education in Brazil and present the PDE as a Program that breaks with traditional models of continuing education existing in Brazil, with higher education institutions, study, research, implementation of pedagogical projects and the socialization of knowledge acquired with their peers through a virtual learning tool. In the second chapter, we will conceptualize teacher education as an apprenticeship that begins even before the initial training courses, which pass through it and endures throughout the profession, due to the need for new learning, since the undergraduate courses, per se only, do not exhaust the needs of new knowledge that are used in the formal educational processes, demonstrating a certain distance between practice and the one that requires recurrent professional updates. Finally, in the third chapter, we will analyze the narratives of five teachers, recorded during the pilot research, through e-mail, and five others recorded and transcribed, in person, inside four different schools of two municipalities of the Estado do Paraná. In the end, we will conclude that the PDE, because it is a policy of continuous teacher training regulated by Law, is affirmative, proclaims appreciation, professional performance and corroborates significant changes in teaching practice, which will certainly contribute to better educational levels in the Estado do Paraná, although in the long term.
educação , PDE , formação de professores , aprendizagem da docência
Assuntos Scopus
PEIXOTO, Reginaldo. Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional (PDE): contribuições para o desenvolvimento profissional de professores da rede estadual de educação básica do estado do Paraná. 2018. [226] f. Tese (Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.