Agravo de instrumento no ordenamento jurídico processual civil brasileiro e a tese jurídica do rol taxativo mitigado pelo requisito de urgência
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Silva, Bruno Ferreira da Costa e
Fernandes, Luis Eduardo Simardi
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A Lei 13.105/2015 instituiu no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro o novo Código de
Processo Civil, trazendo ao diploma processual brasileiro uma nova dinâmica. O presente artigo
busca raciocinar as possibilidades da aplicação do recurso de agravo de instrumento fora do rol
taxativo, especificamente a tese jurídica do rol taxativo mitigado pelo requisito de urgência.
Utilizou-se transversalmente pesquisas bibliográfica e documental na confecção deste artigo. O
objetivo é argumentar a respeito da aplicabilidade em relação às hipóteses taxativas, e fora do
rol, expressas no artigo 1.015 do CPC/2015. O rol taxativo busca estabilizar o princípio da
celeridade processual. Contudo, para alguns doutrinadores afasta os princípios constitucionais
do contraditório e da ampla defesa para o recorrente.
Law 13.105 / 2015 instituted in the Brazilian legal system the new Code of Civil Procedure, bringing to the Brazilian procedural law a new dynamic. This article seeks to reason about the possibilities of applying the instrument appeal appeal outside the taxable list, specifically the legal thesis of the taxative list mitigated by the urgency requirement. Using across bibliographic and documentary research, we seek to understand the general aspects of the appeal of an instrument appeal. The objective is to argue its applicability in relation to the taxative hypotheses and, outside it, expressed in article 1.015 of CPC / 2015. The taxative role seeks to stabilize the principle of procedural speed. However, for some indoctrinates it removes the constitutional principles of the contradictory and broad defense for the appellant.
Law 13.105 / 2015 instituted in the Brazilian legal system the new Code of Civil Procedure, bringing to the Brazilian procedural law a new dynamic. This article seeks to reason about the possibilities of applying the instrument appeal appeal outside the taxable list, specifically the legal thesis of the taxative list mitigated by the urgency requirement. Using across bibliographic and documentary research, we seek to understand the general aspects of the appeal of an instrument appeal. The objective is to argue its applicability in relation to the taxative hypotheses and, outside it, expressed in article 1.015 of CPC / 2015. The taxative role seeks to stabilize the principle of procedural speed. However, for some indoctrinates it removes the constitutional principles of the contradictory and broad defense for the appellant.
agravo de instrumento , taxatividade , interpretação extensiva , rol Taxativo Mitigado pelo requisito de urgência , princípios do contraditório e da ampla defesa , instrument appeal , taxativeness , extensive interpretation , taxative Role Mitigated by the urgency requirement , contradictory and broad defense principles