A inovação e seus reflexos no crescimento do atacado de auto-serviço
Costa, Kenia Arruda Martins da
Zilber, Moisés Ari
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Popadiuk, Silvio
Brito, Luiz Artur Ledur
Brito, Luiz Artur Ledur
Administração de Empresas
This study analyses the consequences of innovation in the growth of the cash-and-carry wholesale market, specifically regarding the companies that deals with food, beverages,
hygiene and cleaning products. According to authors such as Cantwell (2002), Porter (1991), Ansoff (1977), Penrose (1949), Schumpeter (1947) among others, the innovation is an
important factor to the growth of a company that depends on a better performance and on a prominent position in its field of action. This research was accomplished by interviewing
managers of 8 companies, located in São Paulo and Minas Gerais, since these two states represent, in this market, a revenue share of, respectively, 86,81% and 10,60%, according to ABAD s data (2005). It was conducted a qualitative research, in order to get a wider comprehension of how innovations introduced by cash-and-carry wholesalers are noticed and if it generate reflexes in the companies growth. The data collected were analyzed through content analysis technique and it had allowed the identification of 6 categories and 29 associated codes. Companies are open to innovation, since it allows growth, a better performance and cost reduction. However, these companies do not have departments or internal functions with the single objective of seeking innovations and its sources to innovation are: competitors, customers, suppliers and employees. The problems identified for these companies to promote innovation are: paradigm breaking, learning cost, lack of conviction that an investment will generate return, and the bureaucracy to implement changes. The growth for the researched companies involves opening of new stores and geographical expansion. The growth, besides innovation, can be also an outcome to the company investment and of its managerial ability.
inovação , crescimento , atacado , atacado de auto-serviço , innovation , growth , wholesale , cash-and-carry warehouse
COSTA, Kenia Arruda Martins da. A inovação e seus reflexos no crescimento do atacado de auto-serviço. 2006. 152 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2006.