Responsabilidade civil das plataformas virtuais intermediadoras de serviço de hospedagem
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Munhoz, Brenda Ariele
Ariente, Eduardo Altomare
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar o afeto como princípio da relação parental,
preservando sempre o princípio do melhor interesse da criança, trazendo as principais
características e tipificações do abandono afetivo, e demonstrando as consequências físicas e
psíquicas que o abandono afetivo pode causar, tanto a uma criança, quanto a um adolescente
ou adulto (futuramente), além de trazer as formas de responsabilização do (a) genitor (a)/
adotante que abandona, bem como cabimentos de indenizações por danos morais que o
abandonado sofreu, adentrando na controvérsia do Poder Judiciário sobre a falta de Legislação
referente ao dano moral no caso de falta de amor/ afeto e o dever jurídico de cuidar de quem
gera ou adota os filhos, não podendo o Estado ser inerte quanto a negligência desta obrigação.
This article aims to analyze affection as a principle of parental relationship, always preserving the principle of the best interest of the child, bringing the main characteristics and typifications of affective abandonment, and demonstrating the consequences physical and psychic abandonment that affective abandonment can cause, both to a child and to a teenager or adult (in the future), in addition to bringing the forms of accountability of the parente who abandons, as well as compensation fit for damages which the abandoned suffered, entering the controversy of the Judiciary about the lack of legislation regarding moral damage in the event of lack of love / affection and the legal duty to care for those who generate or adopt children, and the State cannot be inert as to negligence of this obligation.
This article aims to analyze affection as a principle of parental relationship, always preserving the principle of the best interest of the child, bringing the main characteristics and typifications of affective abandonment, and demonstrating the consequences physical and psychic abandonment that affective abandonment can cause, both to a child and to a teenager or adult (in the future), in addition to bringing the forms of accountability of the parente who abandons, as well as compensation fit for damages which the abandoned suffered, entering the controversy of the Judiciary about the lack of legislation regarding moral damage in the event of lack of love / affection and the legal duty to care for those who generate or adopt children, and the State cannot be inert as to negligence of this obligation.
abandono afetivo , relações entre pais e filhos , consequências , indenizações , affective abandonment , relationships between parents and children , consequences , compensations