O discurso pedagógico no ensino superior: um relato de experiência sob a ótica dialógica de Freire

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Christovam, Lidiane Rodrigues
Vasconcelos, Maria Lucia Marcondes Carvalho
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Martins, Valéria Bussola
Casagrande, Nancy dos Santos
The teaching of Mathematics has always been a topic of discussion in university, where the teachers that teach such discipline are formed. Moreover, this curricular component is often seen as one of the most questionable ones in the students of Basic Education and College. It was from this perspective that the idea generating this research emerged. The objective was to investigate why many students present difficulties throughout the teaching-learning process of Mathematics. To do so, we investigated the type of discourse that educators use in their classes, as well as their teaching strategies. We also produced a brief history about the teaching of Mathematics in Brazil and about the process of training teachers in this area. Finally, there is an experience report, based on the theoretical presuppositions of Freire's dialogic education and on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), among them Facebook, which sought to propose a closer approximation between educators and learners so that both the professorial discourse and the didactic-methodological practice were more successful throughout the teachinglearning process.
ensino , matemática , educação dialógica , TIC
Assuntos Scopus
CHRISTOVAM, Lidiane Rodrigues. O discurso pedagógico no ensino superior: um relato de experiência sob a ótica dialógica de Freire. 2017. 123 f. Dissertação (Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.