Indicadores da qualidade na educação infantil relacionados à criança com deficiência
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Miranda, Caroline Fagundes Schalch
Carvalho, Sueli Galego de
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Fiamenghi Jr, Geraldo Antônio
Stroili, Maria Helena Melhado
Stroili, Maria Helena Melhado
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
There are numerous changes in recent decades, both in relation to early childhood education as the modality of Special Education in Brazil. Such changeshave been the core of social movements for the right to education for all, from birth, in addition to that undertaken by the family. Education has suffered by the transformations caused by the systematization of new public policies, as well as by the search for quality in early childhood education. The aim of this study is to characterize the view of educators regarding the Quality Indicators in Early Childhood Education (MEC-2009), highlighting the aspects related to children with disabilities. The method was ruled by a qualitative, exploratory technique, using semi-structured interview based on the Indicators of Quality in Early Childhood Education, which contained the words children with disabilities. The research was conducted with 16 teachers, linked to four different educational institutions in the city of São Paulo / SP. The interviews were analyzed and results presented and discussed in four different categories: Participation / Interaction, Special Care, and Accessibility Guidelines for Teachers. From the analysis of categories it became clear that the teachers indicated more hindering than facilitators in relation to the understanding of the proposed indicators. It was also possible to evaluate the instrument proves to be somewhat inchoate as to conceptions in relation to questions directed to children with disabilities.
indicadores de qualidade , criança com deficiência , educação infantil , educação especial , quality indicators , disabled child , early childhood education , special education