Expectativa do professor com relação a atuação do fisioterapeuta no processo de inclusão escolar com ênfase no brincar da criança com deficiência física
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Jorqueira, Adriana Cristina
Assis, Silvana Maria Blascovi de
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Mazzotta, Marcos José da Silveira
Peixoto, Beatriz de Oliveira
Peixoto, Beatriz de Oliveira
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
The improvement and the scientific search for new productions and research regarding the questions that accumulate of stocks the process of pertaining to school inclusion are each time more present, in the intention of better understanding and making possible together responsible action to the educational process of people with disability. Thinking about this, the present work intend to point out the
importance of the support to the school, the professors and the students that they lives deeply this process, with the purpose to guarantee better conditions of participation and educational exploitation. For being extensive the different ways of intervention and support to the school, this work had as objective identify the expectations of the professors with relation to the performance of the physiotherapist in the proposal of pertaining to the school inclusion of students with physical disability with or without neurological deficiency to ratify the action of this professional at the moments of to play and motor activities in the school. The research was happened in Barueri City, in 14 schools of the Infantile Education, having the participation of 16 professors who was teaching for students with physical disability. The result of the
research had been presented through quantitative analyses and qualitative analyses, from the application of a questionnaire for each participant. With the gotten results , it
was identified the necessity of support to the schools, the professors and the students, since it does not have offered services and supports, and is many the difficulties of the professors in becoming accomplishes the participation of the
students who present physical deficiency at the moments of to play and motor activities. The physiotherapist, according to expectations of the professors, can play important role in this challenge, being a professional capable to integrate a work in set with the professor in favor of the student who lives deeply the process of pertaining to school inclusion.
fisioterapeuta , fisioterapia , inclusão escolar , brincar , deficiência física , physiotherapist , physical therapy , school inclusion , playing , physical disability
Assuntos Scopus
JORQUEIRA, Adriana Cristina. Expectativa do professor com relação a atuação do fisioterapeuta no processo de inclusão escolar com ênfase no brincar da criança com deficiência física. 2006. 192 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2006.