Diálogo entre Paulo Freire e Seymour Papert: a prática educativa e as tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação
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Campos, Flavio Rodrigues
Vasconcelos, Maria Lúcia Marcondes Carvalho
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Bastos, Neusa Maria Oliveira Barbosa
Azevedo, Wilton Luiz de
Pereira, Andréa da Silva
Almeida, Maria Elizabeth Bianconcini Trindade Morato Pinto de
Azevedo, Wilton Luiz de
Pereira, Andréa da Silva
Almeida, Maria Elizabeth Bianconcini Trindade Morato Pinto de
Our work rises from a preoccupation in deepening discussion and reflection about Paulo Freire and Seymour Papert discourse about the uses of digital information and communication Technologies in educational practices and aims to analyze the implications of those discourses to the changes of discourses practices and social practices in which those discourses are included as well as their importance to education. From bibliographic research, it sought to explain some concepts defended by each author, as well as discuss the concepts of ideology, language and curriculum that are fundamental for the comprehension to our research. The methodology used in this sought to relate the concepts above with the discourse analysis of the recorded dialogue entitled The future of School , in which Paulo Freire and Seymour Papert argued about. In practice, we did a discourse analysis based on the theory of Norman Fairclough (2001), which considers the discourse in three dimensions: text, discursive practice and social practice. The analysis discussed and reflected about textual and social aspects insert in the discourse of Paulo Freire and Seymour Papert, which can imply (or not) changes in social and discursive practice of educators and professionals of education. The thesis presented here upheld is that discursive analysis can contribute to extend our comprehension about the influence of Paulo Freire and Seymour Papert discourses to educative practice of education professionals related to the uses of digital information and communication technologies.
práticas educativas , ensino-aprendizagem , tecnologia na educação , análise de discurso , diálogo , educative practice , teaching and learning , technology in education , discourse analysis , dialogue
Assuntos Scopus
CAMPOS, Flavio Rodrigues. Diálogo entre Paulo Freire e Seymour Papert: a prática educativa e as tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação. 2009. 183 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2009.