A tributação de criptomoedas : o obstáculo no âmbito jurídico
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Carpes, Pedro de Godoy Bonelli
Lima, Jucileia de Souza
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Membros da banca
O presente trabalho apresenta como propósito compreender e elucidar o processo de
tributação acerca das criptomoedas no Brasil, e destacar quais são os obstáculos ainda
prevalecentes em tal esfera. Por conseguinte, antes de adentrar no âmbito jurídico, a pesquisa
abrange uma discussão a respeito da criação e ascensão desses ativos, além de realizar um
exame explicativo sobre as tecnologias inerentes ao protocolo de funcionamento das
criptomoedas, tais como a blockchain, o sistema de mineração e a rede peer-to-peer. Após
elencadas as questões introdutórias, entra-se no âmbito da Natureza Jurídica, questão
essencial, já que se relaciona diretamente com a incidência tributária dos ativos. Ademais,
será realizado, através de um estudo comparativo de direito, uma análise das legislações em
diferentes nações, Dessa forma, posteriormente, o trabalho fará a exposição da legislação
nacional vigente que diz acerca das criptomoedas, apresentando os regulamentos de tributação
de tais ativos no Brasil. Em seguida, será especificamente analisada a incidência tributária das
criptomoedas no imposto de renda da pessoa física (IRPF). O referido tributo e suas
características características serão analisadas, juntamente com as lacunas ainda existentes ao
que se refere a tributação de criptomoedas, e as consequências trazidas pela falta de uma
regulamentação e fiscalização concreta.
The present work aims to understand and elucidate the taxation process concerning cryptocurrencies in Brazil, and to highlight the prevailing obstacles in this sphere. Therefore, before delving into the legal realm, the research encompasses a discussion regarding the creation and rise of these assets, as well as providing an explanatory examination of the technologies inherent to the functioning protocol of cryptocurrencies, such as blockchain, the mining system, and peer-to-peer network. After addressing introductory issues, the focus shifts to the Legal Nature, an essential question since it directly relates to the tax incidence of the assets. Furthermore, a comparative legal study will be conducted to analyze legislation in different nations. Subsequently, the work will present the current national legislation regarding cryptocurrencies, outlining the regulations for their taxation in Brazil. Next, the tax incidence of cryptocurrencies in individual income tax (IRPF) will be specifically analyzed. The mentioned tax and its characteristics will be examined, along with the existing gaps in cryptocurrency taxation and the consequences brought about by the lack of concrete regulation and enforcement.
The present work aims to understand and elucidate the taxation process concerning cryptocurrencies in Brazil, and to highlight the prevailing obstacles in this sphere. Therefore, before delving into the legal realm, the research encompasses a discussion regarding the creation and rise of these assets, as well as providing an explanatory examination of the technologies inherent to the functioning protocol of cryptocurrencies, such as blockchain, the mining system, and peer-to-peer network. After addressing introductory issues, the focus shifts to the Legal Nature, an essential question since it directly relates to the tax incidence of the assets. Furthermore, a comparative legal study will be conducted to analyze legislation in different nations. Subsequently, the work will present the current national legislation regarding cryptocurrencies, outlining the regulations for their taxation in Brazil. Next, the tax incidence of cryptocurrencies in individual income tax (IRPF) will be specifically analyzed. The mentioned tax and its characteristics will be examined, along with the existing gaps in cryptocurrency taxation and the consequences brought about by the lack of concrete regulation and enforcement.
criptomoedas , tecnologia , natureza jurídica , legislação , impostos , tributação , cryptocurrencies , technology , legal nature , legislation , taxes , taxation