Lobato em Emília no país da gramática: uma visão historiográfica
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Reis, Marta Fagundes dos
Faccina, Rosemeire Leão da Silva
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Hanna, Vera Lúcia Harabagi
Zanon, Marilena
Zanon, Marilena
This work is inserted in the inquiry field of Historiografia Linguística e Descrição da Língua Portuguesa. It presents a historiographic view of the book Emília no País da Gramática, by Monteiro Lobato 2nd edition, 1935, The axis of the study is the teaching of the Portuguese language in the first half of the century XX, and the method used here is the comparative one: Lobato s literary work is compared with the linguistic-pedagogic material contained in two grammar books, Gramática Histórica(1915) and Gramática Expositiva Curso-Superior (1907), both written by Eduardo Carlos Pereira. The objective was to check in what measure the philosophies
seen in Lobato s work agree or disagree with the philosophies seen in Pereira s works,and with the historical-social, philosophical, education, economical and political views of his time. Also, to check which changes suffered the definite linguistic theories, those
material and as they influenced the teaching of mother tongue. The theoretical model used was of the Linguistic Historiography by Köerner and Swiggers (1991) that point to
the proceedings-bases of the methodology open to question (Contextualização,Imanência and Adequação). While ending the analysis, we note what Monteiro Lobato was influenced by the philosophies of his time; by the politics and of the society, so, his work was fitted in the education policies, and they were reproducing the standardstandard
of the language, following his standards and rules.
historiografia , linguística , história , literatura infantil , língua
portuguesa , historiography , linguistics , history , children literature , portuguese language