Impactos da adesão do Brasil ao sistema de Madri para registro internacional de marcas
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Mattos, Ana Paula Kothe de Toledo
Marinho, Maria Edelvacy Pinto
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O presente trabalho visa identificar possíveis consequências à adesão do Brasil ao
Sistema de Madri para o registro internacional de marcas, à luz do Decreto Legislativo nº
98/2019 e da 3ª edição do Manual de Marcas do Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial
(INPI). Para tanto, serão analisadas as diretrizes adotadas pelo INPI em comparação com a
legislação nacional, a fim de avaliar sua regularidade e efetividade. Demonstra a existência de
aspectos positivos, porém, tratamento desigual para estrangeiros e brasileiros, retrocesso
quanto à celeridade e efetividade do processo judicial e necessidade de atuação eficaz e rápida
por parte do INPI para cumprimento dos prazos perante a Secretaria Internacional. Conclui-se
que o Sistema de Madri, ainda que benéfico para fomentar a inovação e investimento no
mercado brasileiro, poderá enfrentar obstáculos para sua aplicação, por trazer normas pouco
benéficas aos nacionais.
This paper aims to identify possible consequences of Brazil’s accession to the Madrid System for the international registration of trademarks, based on Legislative Decree No. 98/2019 and the 3rd edition of the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property’s (INPI) trademark guidelines. For this purpose, INPI’s guidelines will be analyzed in comparison with the national legislation, in order to assess its regularity and effectiveness. Demonstrates the existence of unequal treatment for foreigners and Brazilians, regression on the celerity and effectivity of the judicial lawsuit regarding trademark laws and the need for effective and prompt action by the INPI to fulfill deadlines before the International Bureau. Concludes that Madrid System, although beneficial to foster innovation and investment in the
This paper aims to identify possible consequences of Brazil’s accession to the Madrid System for the international registration of trademarks, based on Legislative Decree No. 98/2019 and the 3rd edition of the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property’s (INPI) trademark guidelines. For this purpose, INPI’s guidelines will be analyzed in comparison with the national legislation, in order to assess its regularity and effectiveness. Demonstrates the existence of unequal treatment for foreigners and Brazilians, regression on the celerity and effectivity of the judicial lawsuit regarding trademark laws and the need for effective and prompt action by the INPI to fulfill deadlines before the International Bureau. Concludes that Madrid System, although beneficial to foster innovation and investment in the
protocolo de Madri , direito marcário , direito internacional , princípio da igualdade , celeridade , Madrid system , trademark rights , international law , principle of equality , celerity