Avaliando a satisfação profissional de pessoas com deficiência no ambiente de trabalho
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Mussi, Giuliano Michel
Carvalho, Sueli Galego de
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Mazzotta, Marcos José da Silveira
Amiralian, Maria Lucia Toledo Moraes
Amiralian, Maria Lucia Toledo Moraes
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
This study aimed to evaluate job satisfaction of people with disabilities in the workplace. Adopting a quantitative approach was adapted an instrument previously validated by Carvalho-Freitas (2007), which sought to identify the level of satisfaction in eight large items (Pay, Working Conditions, Capacity Development, Growth Opportunity Professional, Social Integration in the Institution , the Rights Institution, Balance: work and Life and relevance of their work). The results make it clear that the group with the highest satisfaction was composed of women (66.67%), 33.33% had higher education and, 50% of this total had postgraduate degrees, with a physical disability (83.33% ), performing their professional activities in public and private companies (50%), with service time between 5-10 years (50%), aged 45-60 years (43.50%), with a workload of 8 hours daily (50%). The group with the lowest rate of satisfaction was the group 3 (n = 6), the majority of the sample group was composed of women (66.67%), all physically disabled (100%), aged 30-45 years (50%), working in private institutions (83.33%), with higher education (66.67%), with no course graduate, with tenure ranging between 5-10 years (50%), with a workload that ranges from 6 hours (16.67%) to 8 hours (83.33%). Clearly the need for further research into the topic with the intention of obtaining data that improve the characterization of the satisfaction of professionals with disabilities in the workplace.
trabalho , pessoas com deficiência , inclusão social , motivação , labor , people with disabilities , inclusion , motivation
Assuntos Scopus
MUSSI, Giuliano Michel. Assessing job satisfaction of people with disabilities in the workplace. 2012. 73 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2012.