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Najm, Graziella Duarte
Capano, Evandro Fabiani
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Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a estrutura e o funcionamento dos cartéis do
tipo hub-and-spoke, bem como o papel das cláusulas de restrição vertical como instrumentos
de viabilização de coordenação horizontal. Para tanto, o presente artigo é dividido em três
principais seções. Na primeira seção são apresentados os principais elementos que distinguem
acordos horizontais de restrições verticais. A segunda seção se destina a análise do conceito de
cartel hub-and-spoke e dos principais parâmetros internacionais de análise probatória de tal
conduta. Por fim, a terceira seção apresenta diversos precedentes de hub-and-spoke julgados
nos Estados Unidos e no Reino Unido.
This paper aims to analyze the structure and operation of hub-and-spoke collusion, as well as the role of vertical restraint clauses as instruments to enable horizontal coordination. To this end, this paper is divided into three main sections. The first section presents the main elements that distinguish horizontal agreements from vertical restraints. The second section is devoted to the analysis of the hub-and-spoke cartel concept and international standards of proof. Finally, the third section presents several hub-and-spoke precedents from the United States and the United Kingdom.
This paper aims to analyze the structure and operation of hub-and-spoke collusion, as well as the role of vertical restraint clauses as instruments to enable horizontal coordination. To this end, this paper is divided into three main sections. The first section presents the main elements that distinguish horizontal agreements from vertical restraints. The second section is devoted to the analysis of the hub-and-spoke cartel concept and international standards of proof. Finally, the third section presents several hub-and-spoke precedents from the United States and the United Kingdom.
cartel hub-and-spoke , coordenação horizontal , restrições verticais , hub-and-spoke collusion , horizontal coordination , vertical restraints