A prova de materialidade delitiva e a identificação de autoria na pirataria digital
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Prado, Carolina Bessa do
Aranha Filho, Adalberto José Queiroz Telles de Camargo
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O crime de pirataria digital, definido como a violação de direitos autorais e de propriedade
industrial por meio de técnicas informáticas, é o objeto de estudo do presente trabalho em
virtude problema jurídico de adequada demonstração de autoria e materialidade do delito.
Sendo o direito autoral extremamente desprotegido frente às inovações tecnológicas que
tornaram possível a divulgação ilegal de obras de forma rápida e fácil, causando danos
incalculáveis aos detentores de seus direitos, esse trabalho busca, a partir da metodologia
bibliográfica e jurisprudencial, explorar as técnicas investigativas mais modernas aplicáveis aos
crimes virtuais e sua utilidade para a repressão da pirataria digital. Demonstram-se formas
viáveis de coleta e preservação de evidências, adaptados às particularidades desse tipo de crime,
de forma a comprovar que, apesar da aparente impunidade, não existe anonimato na rede, sendo
possível a adequada persecução penal dos chamados “piratas digitais” através de investigação
The crime of digital piracy, defined as the violation of copyright and industrial property rights by means of computer techniques, is the object of study of this paper due to the legal problem of adequate demonstration of authorship and materiality of the offense. As copyright is extremely unprotected against the technological innovations that have made possible the illegal disclosure of artistic works in a quick and easy way, causing incalculable damages to the holders of their rights, this paper seeks, based on bibliographic and case-law methodology, to explore the most modern investigative techniques applicable to virtual crimes and their usefulness for repression of digital piracy. It demonstrates feasible ways of evidence collection and preservation, adapted to the particularities of this type of crime, to prove that, despite the apparent impunity, there is no anonymity in the network, being possible the adequate prosecution of the so-called "digital pirates" through specialized investigation.
The crime of digital piracy, defined as the violation of copyright and industrial property rights by means of computer techniques, is the object of study of this paper due to the legal problem of adequate demonstration of authorship and materiality of the offense. As copyright is extremely unprotected against the technological innovations that have made possible the illegal disclosure of artistic works in a quick and easy way, causing incalculable damages to the holders of their rights, this paper seeks, based on bibliographic and case-law methodology, to explore the most modern investigative techniques applicable to virtual crimes and their usefulness for repression of digital piracy. It demonstrates feasible ways of evidence collection and preservation, adapted to the particularities of this type of crime, to prove that, despite the apparent impunity, there is no anonymity in the network, being possible the adequate prosecution of the so-called "digital pirates" through specialized investigation.
pirataria digital , crime virtual , era digital , autoria , digital piracy , cybercrime , digital age , authorship