Análise do direito fundamental à saúde no Brasil e sua efetivação durante a pandemia da COVID-19
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Jesus, Rafael de Morais de
Dallari Júnior, Hélcio de Abreu
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O presente artigo tem por objetivo identificar e analisar os obstáculos à efetivação do direito à
saúde no Brasil, bem como evidenciar a necessidade de fortalecimento do Sistema único de
Saúde (SUS) como instrumento efetivação do direito à saúde, sobretudo em tempos de crises
sanitárias. A gestão desvinculada dos princípios constitucionais, aliada à corrupção e discussões
político-ideológicas desnecessárias são potenciais obstáculos à materialização do direito à
saúde. O reconhecimento e o fortalecimento do SUS como importante política pública destinada
à concretização do direito à saúde se mostra essencial no Brasil, especialmente em contexto de
graves crises sanitárias comparado a outros países.
This article aims to identify and analyze the obstacles to the realization of the right to health in Brazil, as well as to highlight the need to strengthen the Unified Health System (SUS) as an instrument for the realization of the right to health, especially in times of health crises. Management disconnected from constitutional principles, coupled with corruption and unnecessary political-ideological discussions are potential obstacles to the materialization of the right to health. The recognition and strengthening of SUS as an important public policy aimed at realizing the right to health is essential in Brazil, especially in the context of serious health crises compared to other countries.
This article aims to identify and analyze the obstacles to the realization of the right to health in Brazil, as well as to highlight the need to strengthen the Unified Health System (SUS) as an instrument for the realization of the right to health, especially in times of health crises. Management disconnected from constitutional principles, coupled with corruption and unnecessary political-ideological discussions are potential obstacles to the materialization of the right to health. The recognition and strengthening of SUS as an important public policy aimed at realizing the right to health is essential in Brazil, especially in the context of serious health crises compared to other countries.
direitos sociais , direito à saúde , políticas públicas , pandemia , social rights , right to health , public policy , pandemic , SUS