A natureza jurídica do animal no direito brasileiro e as medidas típicas e atípicas da tutela jurisdicional executiva: o animal penhorado como medida típica e atípica
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Mazza, Vivian Rosa
Richter, Bianca Mendes Pereira
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Com o passar dos anos, a sociedade tem alterado sua perspectiva com relação aos animais, os quais, embora não recebam o devido valor do ordenamento jurídico, têm sido reconhecidos e ganhado espaço nas discussões de diversas esferas do direito. Assim, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar qual a natureza jurídica do animal no direito brasileiro e como é possível inseri-lo nas medidas típicas e atípicas da tutela jurisdicional executiva, mais especificamente no mecanismo da penhora. Desta forma, serão apresentados aspectos filosóficos, com algumas das principais ideias de antigos pensadores e vieses para se enxergar o mundo; e aspectos jurídicos, analisando o tratamento dos animais em quatro principais ramos do direito: constitucional, civil, ambiental e, principalmente, no âmbito processual civil.
Over the years, society has changed its perspective regarding animals, which — albeit not being rightfully valued by the legal ordering — have been recognised and have gained ground in many different spheres of law. Thus, the present study aims to analyse the legal nature of animals in Brazilian law and how it is possible to insert them into the typical and atypical measures of the executive jurisdiction, specifically in relation to the attachment mechanism. In such a way, both philosophical — inclusive of some of the fundamental ideas of ancient thinkers as well as other means to examine the world — and legal aspects will be presented as a way to analyse the treatment of animals in four major branches of the law: constitutional, civil, environmental and, primarily, civil procedural.
Over the years, society has changed its perspective regarding animals, which — albeit not being rightfully valued by the legal ordering — have been recognised and have gained ground in many different spheres of law. Thus, the present study aims to analyse the legal nature of animals in Brazilian law and how it is possible to insert them into the typical and atypical measures of the executive jurisdiction, specifically in relation to the attachment mechanism. In such a way, both philosophical — inclusive of some of the fundamental ideas of ancient thinkers as well as other means to examine the world — and legal aspects will be presented as a way to analyse the treatment of animals in four major branches of the law: constitutional, civil, environmental and, primarily, civil procedural.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao Prêmio TCC
animais , medida executiva atípica , penhora , animals , atypical executive measures , attachment