Denunciação caluniosa e as alterações trazidas pela lei 14.110/2020
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Takeda, Marina Melo Oliveira
Felberg, Rodrigo
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar a análise das novas alterações do tipo penal do crime de denunciação caluniosa, previsto no artigo 339 do Código Penal, advindas pela Lei n° 14.110/2020. Nessa perspectiva, este trabalho busca expor as diferenças, omissões e contradições na interpretação da norma em sua versão anterior, tais como suas melhorias, no que se refere a especificidade e inclusão de novas possibilidades, além de sua aplicabilidade no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, com a demonstração do caso concreto e o entendimento jurisprudencial sobre a caracterização do crime e o ensejo a reparação do dano à vítima do delito nas esferas penal e cível.
The present work aims to present the analysis of the new changes in the criminal type of the crime of slanderous denunciation, provided for in article 339 of the Penal Code, arising from Law N°. 14.110/2020. In this perspective, this work seeks to expose the differences, omissions and contradictions in the interpretation of the standard in its previous version, such as its improvements, with regard to the specificity and inclusion of new possibilities, in addition to its applicability in the Brazilian legal system, with the demonstration of the concrete case and the jurisprudential understanding on the characterization of the crime and the opportunity to repair the damage to the victim of the crime in the criminal and civil spheres.
The present work aims to present the analysis of the new changes in the criminal type of the crime of slanderous denunciation, provided for in article 339 of the Penal Code, arising from Law N°. 14.110/2020. In this perspective, this work seeks to expose the differences, omissions and contradictions in the interpretation of the standard in its previous version, such as its improvements, with regard to the specificity and inclusion of new possibilities, in addition to its applicability in the Brazilian legal system, with the demonstration of the concrete case and the jurisprudential understanding on the characterization of the crime and the opportunity to repair the damage to the victim of the crime in the criminal and civil spheres.
denunciação caluniosa , alterações , tipo penal , slanderous denunciation , changes , criminal type