A primazia da efetividade da execução e a aplicação de medidas atípicas: uma análise sobre a ampliação dos poderes do juiz na vigência do novo Código de Processo Civil
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Reid, Nicholas Augusto
Caraciola, Andrea Boari
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O judiciário brasileiro enfrenta severo problema – institucionalizado – referente à celeridade e
efetividade processual, sobretudo, quanto ao cumprimento de ordem judiciais proferidas em
ações executivas, sejam elas judiciais ou extrajudiciais. Tanto assim é que, o legislador, por
meio do artigo 4° do Código de Processo Civil de 2015, preocupou-se em reproduzir o direito
à tutela rápida e tempestiva prevista no inciso LXXVIII do art. 5° da CF/88. Dessa forma, com
a introdução do artigo 139, inciso IV, do Código de Processo Civil, a requerimento da parte ou
não, o juiz pode valer-se de medidas indutivas e coercitivas – classificadas pela doutrina como
medidas atípicas -, objetivando o cumprimento de determinações judiciais, principalmente nas
ações que tenham por objeto prestação pecuniárias. Assim, será analisada a compatibilização
constitucional das medias tidas como atípicas - em especial, a suspensão da Carteira Nacional
de habilitação e a apreensão do passaporte do devedor - e o seu impacto nas execuções judiciais
e extrajudiciais.
The Brazilian judiciary faces a severe problem - institutionalized - related to speed and procedural effectiveness, above all, regarding compliance with judicial orders handed down in executive actions, whether judicial or extrajudicial. So much so that, by means of article 4 of the 2015 Code of Civil Procedure, the legislator was concerned with reproducing the right to prompt and timely protection provided for in item LXXVIII of art. 5 of CF/88. Thus, with the introduction of article 139, item IV, of the Civil Procedure Code, at the request of the party or not, the judge may use inductive and coercive measures - classified by the doctrine as atypical measures -, aiming at the fulfillment of judicial determinations, mainly in lawsuits with a pecuniary benefit. Thus, the constitutional compatibility of the measures considered to be atypical will be analyzed - in particular, the suspension of the National Driver's License and the seizure of the debtor's passport - and its impact on judicial and extrajudicial executions.
The Brazilian judiciary faces a severe problem - institutionalized - related to speed and procedural effectiveness, above all, regarding compliance with judicial orders handed down in executive actions, whether judicial or extrajudicial. So much so that, by means of article 4 of the 2015 Code of Civil Procedure, the legislator was concerned with reproducing the right to prompt and timely protection provided for in item LXXVIII of art. 5 of CF/88. Thus, with the introduction of article 139, item IV, of the Civil Procedure Code, at the request of the party or not, the judge may use inductive and coercive measures - classified by the doctrine as atypical measures -, aiming at the fulfillment of judicial determinations, mainly in lawsuits with a pecuniary benefit. Thus, the constitutional compatibility of the measures considered to be atypical will be analyzed - in particular, the suspension of the National Driver's License and the seizure of the debtor's passport - and its impact on judicial and extrajudicial executions.
medidas atípicas , coercitivas , indutivas , atypical measures , coercive , inductive