Relação de ajuda como ação educativa: o olhar do facilitador sobre a efetividade
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Leal, Carlos Santos
Giora, Regina Célia Faria Amaro
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Membros da banca
Stori, Norberto
Pilan, Hânia Cecília
Andrade, Maria de Fátima Ramos de
Lima, Ricardo Alves de
Pilan, Hânia Cecília
Andrade, Maria de Fátima Ramos de
Lima, Ricardo Alves de
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
The research about Relation of help as an educational action - The facilitator's view upon the affectivity has as the main objectives turning the study deeper about the theoretical contributions on the theme in the contemporaneity and to exemplify how the facilitator in Brazil deals with the affectivity in its practice. For this, a bibliographical investigation was carried out about the main theories that deal with the theme, especially Carl R. Rogers, Lev S. Vigotski and Paulo Freire. These authors served as the central foundations for reflections on how to educate through help relationships, highlighting the role of affectivity. The interdisciplinary view of the authors guided the way of understanding the complexity of the presented theme, since it is argued that a disciplinary reading does not respond in depth to the phenomenon investigated. The thesis points to the need of a closer look at the affectivity in its relationship with the educational act experienced through the aid relationships, since it is essential in this process. Interviews were analyzed with professionals who work in this area in an attempt to identify in their "speeches" how they perceive affectivity in the relationship of help as an educational action. The conclusion was that the praxis and the thinking of these facilitators were not closer to the theories presented, perhaps due to the precarious conceptual support that they have in their formation.
relação de ajuda , ação educativa , afetividade , arte
Assuntos Scopus
LEAL, Carlos Santos. Relação de ajuda como ação educativa: o olhar do facilitador sobre a efetividade. 2017. 203 f. Tese (Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.