Execução contra a fazenda pública: a declaração de inconstitucionalidade do artigo 5° da lei 11.960/09 pelo stf e sua consequente inaplicabilidade
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Jellmayer, Rafael Rodrigues
Cracken, Roberto Nussinkis Mac
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Membros da banca
A presente dissertação traz uma leitura sobre a fase de execução de ações em que figura no polo passivo a Fazenda Pública, com enfoque para as alterações trazidas pela Lei 11.960/09, que determinou a aplicação da TR - Taxa Referencial para atualização monetária e juros moratórios calculados com base nos juros aplicados à caderneta de poupança para débitos contraídos pela Fazenda Pública e sua posterior declaração de inconstitucionalidade no julgamento das Ações Diretas de Inconstitucionalidade nº 4357/DF e 4435/DF pelo STF. Ainda será abordado o julgamento do tema de repercussão geral nº 810 que, embora aguarde apreciar os Embargos de Declaração, afastou a aplicação da TR e determinou a aplicação do IPCA-E, considerado índice mais adequado para recompor a perda do poder de compra. Ainda, será demonstrado que a inconstitucionalidade da referida Lei reside justamente no ponto de ferir o direito de propriedade, uma vez que não se qualifica como medida adequada a capturar a variação de preços da economia, podendo ocasionar prejuízos aos credores. Também será feita alusão às alterações no procedimento de execução antes e depois da criação da Lei 11.960/09, como o prosseguimento da execução pelo valor incontroverso. Por fim, será feita menção ao novo decreto lei que possibilita o acordo judicial entre credor e a Fazenda do Estado.
The purpose of this dissertation is a reading about the stage of execution of actions in which the Public Treasury participates as a passive pole, focusing on the changes brought by the Law 11.960/09, which determined the application of TR - it Rates Referencial for monetary restatement and moratorium reports calculated based on interest applied to the savings account for debits contracted by the Public Treasury and its subsequent declaration of unconstitutionality in the judgment of the Direct Actions of Unconstitutionality number 4357/DF and 4435/DF for Constitutional Court of Brazil. It will still be approached the judgement of the theme of repercussion general number 810 that, although it awaits to appreciate the Seizures of Declaration, it moved away the application of TR and it determined the application of the IPCA-E, considered more appropriate index to recover the loss of purchasing power. Still, it will be demonstrated that the unconstitutionality of the referred Law resides precisely in the point of hurting the property right, once it is not qualified as appropriate measure to capture the variation of prices of the economy, could cause damages to the creditors. It will also be referred to the alterations in the execution procedure before and after the creation of the Law 11.960/09, as the pursuit of the execution for the incontrovertible value. Finally, it will be made mention to the new law that makes possible the judicial agreement between creditor and Finance of the State Treasury.
The purpose of this dissertation is a reading about the stage of execution of actions in which the Public Treasury participates as a passive pole, focusing on the changes brought by the Law 11.960/09, which determined the application of TR - it Rates Referencial for monetary restatement and moratorium reports calculated based on interest applied to the savings account for debits contracted by the Public Treasury and its subsequent declaration of unconstitutionality in the judgment of the Direct Actions of Unconstitutionality number 4357/DF and 4435/DF for Constitutional Court of Brazil. It will still be approached the judgement of the theme of repercussion general number 810 that, although it awaits to appreciate the Seizures of Declaration, it moved away the application of TR and it determined the application of the IPCA-E, considered more appropriate index to recover the loss of purchasing power. Still, it will be demonstrated that the unconstitutionality of the referred Law resides precisely in the point of hurting the property right, once it is not qualified as appropriate measure to capture the variation of prices of the economy, could cause damages to the creditors. It will also be referred to the alterations in the execution procedure before and after the creation of the Law 11.960/09, as the pursuit of the execution for the incontrovertible value. Finally, it will be made mention to the new law that makes possible the judicial agreement between creditor and Finance of the State Treasury.
execução , fazenda pública , lei 11.960/09 , acordos judiciais , inconstitucionalidade , precatório , execution , social security and tax authorities , law 11,960/09 , special judicial orders , judicial agreements , unconstitutionality