Medidas atípicas como meios auxiliares à efetivação da tutela jurisdicional na execução por quantia certa
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Corrêa, Gustavo Cassillio
Jorgeti, Lourdes Regina
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O objetivo do presente trabalho consiste, em um primeiro momento, retratar a situação atual
dos processos de execução no Brasil em relação à efetividade da prestação jurisdicional, para
assim, analisar brevemente as inovações trazidas pelo Código de Processo Civil de 2015 que
visam contribuir com o seu impulsionamento, tratando como ponto central o disposto no artigo
139, IV do Código de Processo Civil que trouxe a chamada cláusula geral de efetivação,
possibilitando aos jurisdicionados e aos magistrados utilizarem-se de medidas atípicas,
inclusive na execução por quantia certa, com a finalidade de satisfazer a obrigação. Desse
modo, diante da amplitude do referido dispositivo legal, necessário analisar os parâmetros que
vêm sendo definidos pela doutrina e jurisprudência à sua aplicabilidade, bem como as
controvérsias e polêmicas que cercam o tema, concluindo se fora positiva ou negativa a sua
implementação a atingir o objetivo maior do código processual civil.
The objective of the present work consists, in a first moment, to portray the current situation of the enforcement procedure in Brazil in relation to the effectiveness of the jurisdictional provision, so as to briefly analyze the innovations brought by the Code of Civil Procedure of 2015 that aim to contribute with its boosting, treating as a central point the content of article 139, IV of the Code of Civil Procedure, which brought the so-called general enforcement clause, allowing jurisdictional and magistrates to use atypical measures, including execution for a certain amount, for the purpose of fulfilling the obligation. Thus, given the breadth of the referred legal article, it is necessary to analyze the parameters that have been defined by the doctrine and jurisprudence to its applicability, as well as the controversies and polemics surrounding the theme, concluding whether its implementation had been positive or negative in order to achieve the major objective of the civil procedural code.
The objective of the present work consists, in a first moment, to portray the current situation of the enforcement procedure in Brazil in relation to the effectiveness of the jurisdictional provision, so as to briefly analyze the innovations brought by the Code of Civil Procedure of 2015 that aim to contribute with its boosting, treating as a central point the content of article 139, IV of the Code of Civil Procedure, which brought the so-called general enforcement clause, allowing jurisdictional and magistrates to use atypical measures, including execution for a certain amount, for the purpose of fulfilling the obligation. Thus, given the breadth of the referred legal article, it is necessary to analyze the parameters that have been defined by the doctrine and jurisprudence to its applicability, as well as the controversies and polemics surrounding the theme, concluding whether its implementation had been positive or negative in order to achieve the major objective of the civil procedural code.
morosidade , medidas atípicas , efetividade , execução civil por quantia certa , slowness , atypical measures , effectiveness , civil enforcement of fixed amount