Desafios contemporâneos: a proteção jurídica do nascituro quanto às reproduções assistidas no Brasil
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Cooke, Kury Caila de Souza Scong
Alvim, Márcia Cristina de Souza
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Este trabalho acadêmico, em forma de artigo científico, aborda os desafios
contemporâneos na proteção jurídica do nascituro em reproduções assistidas no Brasil,
explorando questões éticas, legais e bioéticas. Dessa forma, enfoca o rápido avanço da
ciência biotecnológica, a evolução das técnicas de reprodução assistida, destacando
polêmicas, práticas e inseguranças jurídicas, bem como lacunas legislativas, principalmente
no que tange às preocupações quanto aos direitos parentais, a ausência de reconhecimento
legal claro e o impacto quanto aos direitos fundamentais, além disso, aborda as questões
éticas e de autonomia nas escolhas reprodutivas salientando a importância do reconhecimento
da origem e identidade do nascituro, e a necessidade de uma proteção integral ao nascituro,
não apenas na concepção, mas ao longo do processo gestacional. Assim, a pesquisa ressalta a
importância de uma legislação clara e abrangente que proteja os direitos e o bem-estar do
nascituro em todas as fases das reproduções assistidas no Brasil, expondo a necessidade de
um estudo mais aprofundado sobre o tema.
This academic work, in the form of a scientific article, addresses contemporary challenges in the legal protection of the unborn child in assisted reproduction in Brazil, exploring ethical, legal and bioethical issues. In this way, it focuses on the rapid advancement of biotechnological science, the evolution of assisted reproduction techniques, highlighting controversies, practices and legal insecurities, as well as legislative gaps, mainly regarding concerns regarding parental rights, the lack of clear legal recognition and the impact on fundamental rights, in addition, it addresses ethical issues and autonomy in reproductive choices, highlighting the importance of recognizing the origin and identity of the unborn child, and the need for full protection of the unborn child, not only at conception, but throughout of the gestational process. Thus, the research highlights the importance of clear and comprehensive legislation that protects the rights and well-being of the unborn child at all stages of assisted reproduction in Brazil, exposing the need for a more in-depth study on the topic.
This academic work, in the form of a scientific article, addresses contemporary challenges in the legal protection of the unborn child in assisted reproduction in Brazil, exploring ethical, legal and bioethical issues. In this way, it focuses on the rapid advancement of biotechnological science, the evolution of assisted reproduction techniques, highlighting controversies, practices and legal insecurities, as well as legislative gaps, mainly regarding concerns regarding parental rights, the lack of clear legal recognition and the impact on fundamental rights, in addition, it addresses ethical issues and autonomy in reproductive choices, highlighting the importance of recognizing the origin and identity of the unborn child, and the need for full protection of the unborn child, not only at conception, but throughout of the gestational process. Thus, the research highlights the importance of clear and comprehensive legislation that protects the rights and well-being of the unborn child at all stages of assisted reproduction in Brazil, exposing the need for a more in-depth study on the topic.
reprodução humana assistida , direitos do nascituro , biodireito , bioética , assisted human reproduction , rights of the unborn , biolaw , bioethics