O valor jurídico do afeto e as consequências do abandono afetivo no direito sucessório
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Cunha, Amanda do Couto
Bortolai, Orlando
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O presente artigo busca analisar o instituto da família no direito brasileiro, bem como o valor
jurídico da afetividade e as consequências de sua ausência. Inicialmente, será realizada uma
breve introdução ao Direito de Família, na qual será abordada a evolução do conceito de família,
que no decorrer dos anos deixou de ser pautada no pátrio poder para tornar-se uma relação
linear, baseada no afeto, amor, diálogo e igualdade. Ato contínuo, discute-se o valor jurídico
do afeto e as consequências de sua ausência no desenvolvimento do ser humano. Em seguida,
questiona-se o abandono afetivo como fato gerador do dano moral e da deserdação,
considerando os deveres intrínsecos ao poder familiar estabelecidos no ordenamento jurídico.
Nota-se que o direito e a jurisprudência atual têm valorizado progressivamente a afetividade
nas relações familiares. Ainda, é necessário reconhecer que ao desatrelar o conceito de família
do conceito de casamento a Constituição Federal de 1988 concedeu tutela jurídica ao afeto, uma
vez que estabeleceu um novo paradigma ao inclui-lo como um dos elementos centrais da
entidade familiar. Isto posto, o estudo visa compreender as questões geradas acerca da
indenização e reparação civil, bem como o impacto principiológico do tema e sua evolução nos
Tribunais Superiores.
This article is about to analyze the family institute in Brazilian law, as well as the legal value of affection and the consequences of its lack of succession law. Initially, a brief introduction to Family and Succession Law will be held, in which the evolution of the concept of family will be addressed, which over the years is no longer based on the power to become a linear relationship, based on affection, love, dialogue and equality. Then, the legal value of affection and the consequences of its absence on the development of human beings are discussed. Afterwards, affective abandonment is questioned as a fact that generates moral damage and disinheritance, considering the intrinsic duties to family power established in the legal system. It is noted that jurisprudence and current law have progressively valued the affectivity in family relationships. Furthermore, it is necessary to recognize that by untie the concept of family from the concept of house, the Federal Constitution of 1988 granted legal protection for affection, since it established a new paradigm by including it as one of the central elements of the family entity. Finally, the study aims to understand the generated questions about civil compensation and reparation, as well as the principle of theme and its evolution in the Superior Courts.
This article is about to analyze the family institute in Brazilian law, as well as the legal value of affection and the consequences of its lack of succession law. Initially, a brief introduction to Family and Succession Law will be held, in which the evolution of the concept of family will be addressed, which over the years is no longer based on the power to become a linear relationship, based on affection, love, dialogue and equality. Then, the legal value of affection and the consequences of its absence on the development of human beings are discussed. Afterwards, affective abandonment is questioned as a fact that generates moral damage and disinheritance, considering the intrinsic duties to family power established in the legal system. It is noted that jurisprudence and current law have progressively valued the affectivity in family relationships. Furthermore, it is necessary to recognize that by untie the concept of family from the concept of house, the Federal Constitution of 1988 granted legal protection for affection, since it established a new paradigm by including it as one of the central elements of the family entity. Finally, the study aims to understand the generated questions about civil compensation and reparation, as well as the principle of theme and its evolution in the Superior Courts.
afeto , família , abandono afetivo , responsabilidade civil , affection , family , affective abandonment , civil liability