Consequências do princípio da concentração dos atos na matrícula nas due diligences imobiliárias
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Bichanga, Juliana Afonso de Gouveia
Scavone Junior, Luiz Antônio
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Membros da banca
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo do princípio da concentração dos atos na
matrícula, positivado no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro por meio da Lei 13.097/15, que,
visando conferir maior segurança jurídica e celeridade para o procedimento para a aquisição de
imóveis no Brasil, prevê que não poderão ser opostas ao terceiro de boa-fé as situações jurídicas
que não constarem da matrícula do imóvel. Para tanto, o presente estudo aborda as formas de
aquisição da propriedade imobiliária, com ênfase na aquisição por meio do registro do título no
cartório de registro de imóveis. Além disso, analisa o procedimento das due diligences
imobiliárias para verificação da documentação relacionada ao imóvel e seus proprietários,
elencando quais documentos e certidões são imprescindíveis para comprovar a boa-fé do
adquirente e mitigar riscos de uma eventual caracterização de fraude à execução ou fraude
contra credores que reduzam o proprietário à insolvência, levando à anulação da venda e,
consequentemente, perda do imóvel adquirido. Ao final deste trabalho, serão analisadas as
consequências práticas do princípio da concentração dos atos na matrícula, a fim de concluir se
referido princípio é capaz de dispensar ou não os documentos e certidões do imóvel e de seus
proprietários para uma aquisição segura.
The present work aims at the study of the principle of concentration in the real estate registry, affirmed in the Brazilian legal system through the Law No. 13,095/2015 that, with the purpose of certificate more legal security and celerity in the property purchase’s proceeding, establishes that cannot be against the bona fide third party legal occurrences that does not appear at the real estate registry. Therefore, this paper deals with means of purchasing a property, focusing on the acquisition through the registry of the real estate enrollment at the Real-Estate Registry Office. Furthermore, it analyses the due diligence process to review the property documents and analyze their owners, listing which documents and certificates are indispensable to prove the purchaser’s good faith and mitigate the risks of characterizing fraud against creditors or fraud committed against creditors during an execution suit, reducing the insolvency debtor, leading to cancelation of the sale and losing the property that is intended to be acquired. By the end of this work, the consequences of the principle of concentration in the real estate registry will be analyzed, aiming to conclude if that principle is capable of dismissing or not the property’s and the owner’s documents and certificates to ensure a safe acquisition.
The present work aims at the study of the principle of concentration in the real estate registry, affirmed in the Brazilian legal system through the Law No. 13,095/2015 that, with the purpose of certificate more legal security and celerity in the property purchase’s proceeding, establishes that cannot be against the bona fide third party legal occurrences that does not appear at the real estate registry. Therefore, this paper deals with means of purchasing a property, focusing on the acquisition through the registry of the real estate enrollment at the Real-Estate Registry Office. Furthermore, it analyses the due diligence process to review the property documents and analyze their owners, listing which documents and certificates are indispensable to prove the purchaser’s good faith and mitigate the risks of characterizing fraud against creditors or fraud committed against creditors during an execution suit, reducing the insolvency debtor, leading to cancelation of the sale and losing the property that is intended to be acquired. By the end of this work, the consequences of the principle of concentration in the real estate registry will be analyzed, aiming to conclude if that principle is capable of dismissing or not the property’s and the owner’s documents and certificates to ensure a safe acquisition.
princípio da concentração dos atos na matrícula , lei 13.097/15 , fraude à execução , fraude contra credores , due diligence imobiliária , principle of concentration in the real estate registry , law no. 13.095/2015 , due diligence process , fraud against creditors , fraud during an executing suit