Funções executivas: progressão escolar e desempenho acadêmico em crianças do 1° ao 5° ano do ensino fundamental

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Correia, Priscilla Almeida Pedroneiro
Seabra, Alessandra Gotuzo
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Macedo, Elizeu Coutinho de
Dias, Natália Martins
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
Executive functions are a set of cognitive abilities, which includes working memory, cognitive flexibility, and inhibitory control. They are essential for targeting behavior toward non-immediate goals. These components are important for academic skills. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate differences in executive functions throughout the school years and its relationship with academic performance in elementary school children. Participants included 80 students aged 6 to 10 years, from 1st to 5th grades in elementary level, in two private schools in São Paulo city. The instruments were: TAFE (Computerized Test for Evaluation of Executive Functions) that evaluates Visual Working Memory, Verbal Working Memory, Cognitive Flexibility and Inhibitory Control. The students' grades were also collected. Analyses of Variance revealed significant grade effect on all measures of executive functions (working memory, cognitive flexibility and inhibitory control). Pearson correlations between school grades and executive function measures were significant mainly for working memory, with fewer correlations of academic performance with cognitive flexibility and inhibitory control. It should be emphasized that the research contributed with relevant data on the effect of grade school on the executive functions, as well as on the relationship with the academic performance.
funções executivas , desempenho acadêmico , rendimento escolar , teste informatizado
Assuntos Scopus
CORREIA, Priscilla Almeida Pedroneiro. Funções executivas: progressão escolar e desempenho acadêmico em crianças do 1° ao 5° ano do ensino fundamental. 2017. 95 f. Dissertação( Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .