A atuação da tecnologia dos smart contracts como inivação e suas perspectivas legais no contexto brasileiro
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Freitas, Jéssica Luana
Rachman, Nora Matilde
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Esta pesquisa acadêmica aborda a emergente tecnologia dos Smart Contracts e uma
breve interação com a Blockchain, analisando suas implicações no contexto jurídico
brasileiro. A monografia se inicia com uma introdução ao tema, seguida de um
histórico sobre a evolução dos contratos, culminando na conceituação e
funcionamento dos Smart Contracts. A pesquisa se aprofunda na teoria do fato
jurídico, explorando os princípios gerais dos contratos, incluindo elementos e
formação, além de discutir os planos de existência, validade e eficácia, com ênfase
no Código Civil Brasileiro e na Lei de Assinaturas Eletrônicas.
This academic research addresses the emerging technology of Smart Contracts and its integration with the Blockchain, analyzing its implications in the Brazilian legal context. The monograph begins with an introduction to the topic, followed by a history of the evolution of contracts, culminating in the conceptualization and functioning of Smart Contracts. The research delves into the theory of legal facts, exploring the general principles of contracts, including elements and formation, in addition to discussing the planes of existence, validity and effectiveness, with an emphasis on the Brazilian Civil Code and the Electronic Signatures Law.
This academic research addresses the emerging technology of Smart Contracts and its integration with the Blockchain, analyzing its implications in the Brazilian legal context. The monograph begins with an introduction to the topic, followed by a history of the evolution of contracts, culminating in the conceptualization and functioning of Smart Contracts. The research delves into the theory of legal facts, exploring the general principles of contracts, including elements and formation, in addition to discussing the planes of existence, validity and effectiveness, with an emphasis on the Brazilian Civil Code and the Electronic Signatures Law.
perspectivas legais , direito brasileiro , smart contracts , armazenagem , blockchain , legal perspectives , brazilian law , smart contracts , storage , blockchain