Medidas de execução indireta: constitucionalidade da apreensão de passaporte
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Borges, Renato Salomão Leão
Caraciola, Andrea Boari
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Membros da banca
Este trabalho possui como finalidade debater a necessidade de, ante o alto índice de congestionamento de processos de execução cível nas Varas Estaduais e nas Instâncias Superiores, firmar mecanismos pelos quais as decisões judiciais alcancem maior efetividade, ante o direito fundamental à efetiva prestação jurisdicional, sendo que a imposição pelo magistrado de medidas coercitivas atípicas ao devedor, decorrentes das cláusulas gerais de execução, como é o caso da medida de apreensão de passaporte, já é uma forma de efetivar a referida garantia constitucional. Ainda que haja o debate acerca das garantias constitucionais que estariam sendo atingidas ante a imposição das referidas medidas, sempre é necessário uma análise minunciosa do caso concreto posto em discussão, uma vez que os referidos direitos admitem relativizações, no momento em que há um embate entre o direito fundamental do credor em ver a efetiva tutela jurisdicional prestada e os direitos fundamentais de ir e vir do devedor.
This article aims to debate the need, in view of the high level of congestion in civil enforcement proceedings in State Courts and Superior Courts, to establish mechanisms by which judicial decisions achieve greater effectiveness, in view of the fundamental right to effective judicial provision, being that the imposition by the magistrate of atypical coercive measures on the debtor, resulting from the general enforcement clauses, as is the case with the passport seizure measure, is already a way of putting the constitutional guarantee into effect. Even if there is a debate about the constitutional guarantees that would be reached in view of the imposition of the said measures, it is always necessary a thorough analysis of the specific case discussed, since the said rights admit relativizations, at the moment when there is a conflict between the creditor's fundamental right to see the effective judicial protection provided and the debtor's fundamental rights to come and go.
This article aims to debate the need, in view of the high level of congestion in civil enforcement proceedings in State Courts and Superior Courts, to establish mechanisms by which judicial decisions achieve greater effectiveness, in view of the fundamental right to effective judicial provision, being that the imposition by the magistrate of atypical coercive measures on the debtor, resulting from the general enforcement clauses, as is the case with the passport seizure measure, is already a way of putting the constitutional guarantee into effect. Even if there is a debate about the constitutional guarantees that would be reached in view of the imposition of the said measures, it is always necessary a thorough analysis of the specific case discussed, since the said rights admit relativizations, at the moment when there is a conflict between the creditor's fundamental right to see the effective judicial protection provided and the debtor's fundamental rights to come and go.
medidas de execução , cláusulas gerais de execução , atipicidade , efetividade das decisões judiciais , enforcement measures , general enforcement clauses , atypicality , effectiveness of judicial decisions