Inquérito das fake news 4781/STF: a inconstitucionalidade defronte aos princípios da legalidade, imparcialidade e do sistema acusatório no devido processo legal
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Silva, Vitor Rafael De Freitas
Dezem, Guilherme Madeira
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O presente artigo discorre acerca do inquérito 4.781 instaurado pelo STF, de ofício, popularmente conhecido como inquérito das fake news, no ano de 2019, no mês de março, com o objetivo de combater crimes de ódio, injuria, difamação, calunia, mídias inverídicas, compartilhadas através da internet, por Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, ou outras mídias alternativas e redes sociais, em que supostamente teriam como objetivo os ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Diante do ocorrido, gerou-se grande repercussão, doutrinariamente acerca do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, da competência do STF, e como a instauração de ofício pela Suprema Corte afronta, principalmente, os princípios da imparcialidade, da legalidade e do sistema acusatório processual brasileiro. Portanto, o presente trabalho se propõe, por meio de pesquisas doutrinárias, artigos jurídicos, constituição e leis, a analisar a instauração do inquérito e demonstrar as evidentes ilegalidades e inconstitucionalidades presentes, bem como expor que o STF agiu extrapolando seus limites e competências, ao instaurar o inquérito de ofício, conduzindo as investigações e julgando.
This article discusses the inquiry 4.781 opened by the STF, ex officio, known as the inquiry of fake news, in the year 2019, in March, in order to combat hate crimes, insult, defamation, libel, untruthful media, shared over the internet, by WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, or other alternative media and social networks, in which supposedly would be aimed at the ministers of the Supreme Court. Given the occurrence, it generated great repercussion, doctrinally about the Brazilian legal system, the competence of the STF, and how the ex officio instauration by the Supreme Court affronts, especially, the principles of impartiality, legality, and the Brazilian procedural accusatory system. Therefore, this paper proposes, through doctrinal research, legal articles, constitution, and laws, to analyze the opening of the inquiry and demonstrate the obvious illegalities and unconstitutionalities present, as well as expose that the STF acted exceeding its limits and powers by opening the inquiry ex officio, conducting investigations and judging.
This article discusses the inquiry 4.781 opened by the STF, ex officio, known as the inquiry of fake news, in the year 2019, in March, in order to combat hate crimes, insult, defamation, libel, untruthful media, shared over the internet, by WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, or other alternative media and social networks, in which supposedly would be aimed at the ministers of the Supreme Court. Given the occurrence, it generated great repercussion, doctrinally about the Brazilian legal system, the competence of the STF, and how the ex officio instauration by the Supreme Court affronts, especially, the principles of impartiality, legality, and the Brazilian procedural accusatory system. Therefore, this paper proposes, through doctrinal research, legal articles, constitution, and laws, to analyze the opening of the inquiry and demonstrate the obvious illegalities and unconstitutionalities present, as well as expose that the STF acted exceeding its limits and powers by opening the inquiry ex officio, conducting investigations and judging.
inquérito das fake news , imparcialidade do juiz , sistema acusatório , STF , inquiry of fake news , impartiality of the judge , accusatory system