Tributação dos atos ilícitos
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Sampaio, Izabella Letícia Rodrigues
Sabbag, Eduardo de Moraes
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O presente estudo trata de averiguar a viabilidade de se tributar um fato jurídico
tributário que tenha sido praticado com a utilização de meios ilícitos, de modo que a ilicitude
não contamine o fato, podendo, assim, ser desconsiderada para fins fiscais. Em outras palavras,
analisar-se-á a viabilidade de "tributar-se ‘apesar’ do ilícito"1
Por anos, a jurisprudência e a doutrina está dividida entre a tributação ou não dos atos
ilícitos, diante da suposta antinomia com artigo 3º do Código de Tributário Nacional,
imoralidade em se tributar algo que o Estado prevê em outras legislações como proibido, entre
outros argumentos.
Diante da existência de uma gama de teses a favor e contra, será demonstrado a
possibilidade de tributação de atos ilícitos, seja através do IR, seja através do ISS, por exemplo,
desde que observada determinadas condições, como os rendimentos e proventos não terem sido
submetidos ao confisco.
This study deals with the feasibility of taxing a legal tax fact that has been practiced with the use of illicit means, so that the illegality does not contaminate the fact, and can therefore be disregarded for tax purposes. In other words, the feasibility of "taxing yourself" despite "the illicit" will be analyzed. For years, jurisprudence and doctrine has been divided between the taxation or not of illicit acts, given the alleged antinomy with article 3 of the National Tax Code (“CTN”), immorality in taxing something that the government provides for in other legislation as prohibited, among other arguments. In view of this range of theses for and against, the possibility of taxing illegal acts will be demonstrated, either through the IR or through the ISS, for example, provided certain conditions are observed, such as income and earnings not having been subject to confiscation.
This study deals with the feasibility of taxing a legal tax fact that has been practiced with the use of illicit means, so that the illegality does not contaminate the fact, and can therefore be disregarded for tax purposes. In other words, the feasibility of "taxing yourself" despite "the illicit" will be analyzed. For years, jurisprudence and doctrine has been divided between the taxation or not of illicit acts, given the alleged antinomy with article 3 of the National Tax Code (“CTN”), immorality in taxing something that the government provides for in other legislation as prohibited, among other arguments. In view of this range of theses for and against, the possibility of taxing illegal acts will be demonstrated, either through the IR or through the ISS, for example, provided certain conditions are observed, such as income and earnings not having been subject to confiscation.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC
ilicitude , princípio do Non Olet , tributação , impostos , illicitness , Non Olet principle , assessment , taxes