Alienação fiduciária e recuperação judicial
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Liberman, Kristal Tonini
Bezerra Filho, Manoel Justino
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Membros da banca
A Lei de Falências e Recuperações, Lei n.º 11.101/2005, possui princípios basilares que
norteiam todo o processo recuperacional para possibilitar o soerguimento da empresa em crise,
com a preservação de empregos e manutenção de sua função social, objetivo primordial de
qualquer recuperação judicial. O presente trabalho tem o fito de estudar a natureza dos créditos
garantidos por alienação fiduciária, não sujeitos ao plano de recuperação judicial por força do
artigo 49, §3º da Lei 11.101/2005, e seus impactos no processo de recuperação das empresas
em crise. Ainda, realiza uma análise quanto aos requisitos legais para a caracterização de tais
créditos como excluídos, e quanto ao cabimento da ação de busca e apreensão dos bens
alienados fiduciariamente durante o Stay Period. Ainda, examina a temática da universalidade
do juízo recuperacional para decidir sobre atos constritivos e expropriatórios dos bens da
empresa, à luz da jurisprudência.
The Bankruptcy and Recovery Act, law n.º 11.101/2005, has basic principles that guide the entire recovery process, to enable the upliftment of the company in crisis, with the preservation of jobs, and maintenance of its social function, the main purpose of any judicial recovery. The present work aims to study the nature of credits arising from chattel mortgage/fiduciary alienation, not subjected to the judicial recovery plan under the Article 49, Paragraph 3º of the Law 11.101/2005, and their impacts on the companies’ recovery process. It analyzes the legal requirements for the characterization of such credits as not submitted, and the suitability of the action of search and seizure of the assets alienated during the Stay Period. It also examines the theme of universality of the recovery judgment to decide on constrictive and expropriating acts of the company’s assets, in the light of jurisprudence.
The Bankruptcy and Recovery Act, law n.º 11.101/2005, has basic principles that guide the entire recovery process, to enable the upliftment of the company in crisis, with the preservation of jobs, and maintenance of its social function, the main purpose of any judicial recovery. The present work aims to study the nature of credits arising from chattel mortgage/fiduciary alienation, not subjected to the judicial recovery plan under the Article 49, Paragraph 3º of the Law 11.101/2005, and their impacts on the companies’ recovery process. It analyzes the legal requirements for the characterization of such credits as not submitted, and the suitability of the action of search and seizure of the assets alienated during the Stay Period. It also examines the theme of universality of the recovery judgment to decide on constrictive and expropriating acts of the company’s assets, in the light of jurisprudence.
recuperação judicial , alienação fiduciária , essencialidade de bens , cessão fiduciária , stay period , judicial recovery , chattel mortgage , fiduciary alienation