A desconsideração da personalidade jurídica nos processos de falência e recuperação judicial
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Bermudes, Victória Caldeira
Lima, Cinira Gomes
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Membros da banca
O presente trabalho tem por finalidade a análise e o estudo da aplicação do Incidente de
Desconsideração da Personalidade Jurídica, com foco em sua instauração nos processos de
Falência e Recuperação Judicial. Ademais, também é abordado a responsabilidade dos
membros e dirigentes sociais, principalmente com relação ao limite de suas obrigações perante
as sociedades as quais fazem parte. Através do presente estudo buscou-se a análise do instituto
de desconsideração da personalidade jurídica, sendo abordado a sua evolução, bem como a sua
aplicação nas legislações, tanto nacionais quanto internacionais. Ainda, o trabalho procurou
expor os diferentes mecanismos de responsabilização dos sócios e administradores, sendo
estudado as suas diferenças e semelhanças diante do procedimento de desconsideração, bem
como as medidas que podem ser tomadas em casos de descumprimento de lei ou contrato social
e condutas fraudulentos por parte dos sócios e administradores de uma sociedade. Importante
salientar que, também foi reservado parte deste trabalho para tratar do instituto de extensão da
falência. Por fim, diante de todas as informações obtidas buscou-se expor as diferentes formas
de responsabilização, em especial ao incidente de desconsideração instaurado dentro dos
processos falimentares e de recuperação especial, ações que possuem uma tramitação especial.
The purpose of this work is to analyze and study the Legal Personality Disregard Incident application, focusing on its installation in bankruptcy and judicial recovery proceedings. In addition, the responsibility of members and social officers is also addressed, especially with regard to the limit of their obligations towards the companies to which they belong. Through this study, we sought to analysis of the institute of legal personality, addressing its evolution, as well as its application in legislation, as well as international. Still, the work sought to expose the different mechanisms of responsibility of the partners and administrators, studying their differences and similarities in the face of the disregard procedure, as well as the measures that can be taken in cases of non-compliance with the law or social contract and fraudulent patrimonial acts by the partners and directors of a company. It is important to note that part of this work was also reserved to deal with the bankruptcy extension institute. Finally, in view of all the information obtained, it is possible to export as different forms of responsibility, especially the incident of disregard of legal personality within bankruptcy and judicial recovery proceedings, actions that have a special procedure.
The purpose of this work is to analyze and study the Legal Personality Disregard Incident application, focusing on its installation in bankruptcy and judicial recovery proceedings. In addition, the responsibility of members and social officers is also addressed, especially with regard to the limit of their obligations towards the companies to which they belong. Through this study, we sought to analysis of the institute of legal personality, addressing its evolution, as well as its application in legislation, as well as international. Still, the work sought to expose the different mechanisms of responsibility of the partners and administrators, studying their differences and similarities in the face of the disregard procedure, as well as the measures that can be taken in cases of non-compliance with the law or social contract and fraudulent patrimonial acts by the partners and directors of a company. It is important to note that part of this work was also reserved to deal with the bankruptcy extension institute. Finally, in view of all the information obtained, it is possible to export as different forms of responsibility, especially the incident of disregard of legal personality within bankruptcy and judicial recovery proceedings, actions that have a special procedure.
desconsideração da personalidade jurídica , falência , recuperação judicial , disregard of legal personality , bankruptcy , judicial recovery