A extensão do conceito de insumo de PIS/COFINS adotado pelo STJ no julgamento do resp N. 1.221.170/PR
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Cardoso, João Marcelo Alves
Pasin, João Bosco Coelho
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O presente artigo trata das peculiaridades que envolvem o conceito de insumo empregado no
artigo 3º, inciso II, das Leis n. 10.637/2002 e n. 10.833/2003, autorizando a dedução de despesas
com gastos incorridos com bens ou serviços que se mostrem imprescindíveis à fase de produção
dos bens ou à execução dos serviços, das contribuições ao PIS e à COFINS, seja obtido a partir
da legislação aplicável a outros tributos, tais como a do Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados
(IPI) e do Imposto sobre a Renda de Pessoa Jurídica (IRPJ), em consonância com a tese firmada
pelo Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) no julgamento do Recurso Especial (REsp) n.
1.221.170-PR, submetida à sistemática de recurso representativo de controvérsia, segundo o
qual insumos são definidos como bens e serviços essenciais e relevantes para o
desenvolvimento da atividade econômica do contribuinte. O objetivo do presente trabalho
inclina-se a propor um conceito de insumo que seja próprio da legislação aplicável a essas
contribuições e que seja pertinente ao escopo da lei.
This article deals with de peculiarities that involves the concept of input used in articles 3, item II, of Laws no. 10,637/2002 and no. 10,833/2003, which authorizes the deduction of expenses incurred with goods or services that are indispensable to the production phase of goods or the the execution of services from the contributions to PIS and COFINS, to be obtained from the legislation applicable to other such as the Industrialized Product Tax (“IPI”) and the Corporate Income Tax (“IRPJ”), in accordance with the thesis made by the Superior Court of Justice (“STJ”) in the judgment of the Special Appeal (“REsp”) no. 1.221.170-PR, subject to a system of controversial representation, according to which inputs are defined as essential goods and services relevant to propose an input concept that is specific to the legislation applicable to these contribution and which is relevant to the scope of the law.
This article deals with de peculiarities that involves the concept of input used in articles 3, item II, of Laws no. 10,637/2002 and no. 10,833/2003, which authorizes the deduction of expenses incurred with goods or services that are indispensable to the production phase of goods or the the execution of services from the contributions to PIS and COFINS, to be obtained from the legislation applicable to other such as the Industrialized Product Tax (“IPI”) and the Corporate Income Tax (“IRPJ”), in accordance with the thesis made by the Superior Court of Justice (“STJ”) in the judgment of the Special Appeal (“REsp”) no. 1.221.170-PR, subject to a system of controversial representation, according to which inputs are defined as essential goods and services relevant to propose an input concept that is specific to the legislation applicable to these contribution and which is relevant to the scope of the law.
contribuição ao PIS , COFINS , creditamento , insumo , essencial , relevante