Aplicabilidade do direito ao esquecimento no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro
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Caserta, Luiz Felipe Yoshimura
Lorencini, Bruno César
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O Direito ao Esquecimento, instituto jurídico que há muito existia no âmbito do direito
criminal, voltou a ganhar notoriedade nos últimos anos devido à crescente preocupação das
pessoas com a veiculação de sua imagem e dados por meio do uso de novas tecnologias como
a internet. Ocorre que sua aplicação esbarra em direitos fundamentais relativos à informação e
à liberdade de imprensa, de forma que chegou ao STF caso para que fosse julgado a
aplicabilidade do Esquecimento sob a ótica da Constituição Federal brasileira. O resultado
desse julgamento foi o de que o Direito ao Esquecimento não poderia ser recepcionado ao
ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, tendo em vista que já existiriam diversos dispositivos legais
que seriam suficientemente eficazes para evitar o uso abusivo dos dados pessoais dos
indivíduos quando adquiridos ou utilizados de forma ilícita, não podendo o decurso do tempo
justificar a restrição da publicação de dados e notícias obtidos de acordo com o que dispõe a
The Right to be Forgotten, a legal institute that has long existed within the scope of criminal law, has gained notoriety in recent years due to the growing concern of people with the dissemination of their image and data through the use of new technologies such as the internet. What happens is that its application comes up against fundamental rights related to information and freedom of the press, something that made the Supreme Court judge its applicability from the perspective of the Brazilian Federal Constitution. The result of this judgment was that the Right to be Forgotten could not be accepted by the Brazilian legal system, given that there would already be several legal provisions that would be sufficiently effective to prevent the abusive use of personal data of individuals when acquired or used in a illegal manner, and the passage of time cannot justify the restriction on the publication of data and news obtained in accordance with the law.
The Right to be Forgotten, a legal institute that has long existed within the scope of criminal law, has gained notoriety in recent years due to the growing concern of people with the dissemination of their image and data through the use of new technologies such as the internet. What happens is that its application comes up against fundamental rights related to information and freedom of the press, something that made the Supreme Court judge its applicability from the perspective of the Brazilian Federal Constitution. The result of this judgment was that the Right to be Forgotten could not be accepted by the Brazilian legal system, given that there would already be several legal provisions that would be sufficiently effective to prevent the abusive use of personal data of individuals when acquired or used in a illegal manner, and the passage of time cannot justify the restriction on the publication of data and news obtained in accordance with the law.
direito ao esquecimento , direito à informação , ordenamento jurídico brasileiro , right to be forgotten , right to information , brazilian legal system