A regularização do serviço de transporte remunerado privado individual de passageiros: uma análise à luz dos princípios constitucionais da livre iniciativa e da livre concorrência
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Bortole, Amanda Izabel de
Salgado, Rodrigo Oliveira
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As empresas que oferecem o serviço de transporte remunerado privado individual de passageiros através de aplicativos para smartphones, como é o caso da Uber, surgiram no Brasil em meados de 2014, desestabilizando o modelo tradicional de serviço de táxi, o que acabou dando início a um grande debate a respeito da legalidade do serviço, bem como da necessidade de sua regulamentação. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo discorrer sobre a legalidade e regulamentação do serviço de transporte remunerado privado individual de passageiros com base nos princípios constitucionais da livre concorrência e da livre iniciativa. Além disso, o presente trabalho tem o intuito analisar os modelos de transporte individual de passageiros (do serviço de táxi aos aplicativos de transporte remunerado privado de passageiros), a competência legislativa para regular a matéria, e por fim, analisar a Lei nº 13.640, de 26 de março de 2018, editada para regulamentar o transporte remunerado privado individual de passageiros.
The companies that offer individual private passenger transportation through smartphone applications, such as Uber, have emerged in Brazil in 2014, destabilizing the traditional model of taxi service, which ended up starting a debate on the legality of the service, as well as the need for its regulation. The objective of this study is to discuss the legality and regulation of the individual private passenger transportation service based on the constitutional principles of free competition and free enterprise. In addition, this study has the purpose of analyzing the models of individual passenger transportation (from taxi service to private passenger transportation applications), the legislative competence to regulate the matter, and finally, to analyze Law 13.640, of March 26, 2018, issued to regulate the individual private passenger transportation of passengers.
The companies that offer individual private passenger transportation through smartphone applications, such as Uber, have emerged in Brazil in 2014, destabilizing the traditional model of taxi service, which ended up starting a debate on the legality of the service, as well as the need for its regulation. The objective of this study is to discuss the legality and regulation of the individual private passenger transportation service based on the constitutional principles of free competition and free enterprise. In addition, this study has the purpose of analyzing the models of individual passenger transportation (from taxi service to private passenger transportation applications), the legislative competence to regulate the matter, and finally, to analyze Law 13.640, of March 26, 2018, issued to regulate the individual private passenger transportation of passengers.
transporte remunerado privado individual de passageiros , Uber , serviço de táxi , livre iniciativa , livre concorrência , lei nº 13.640/2018 , individual private passenger transportation of passengers , Uber , taxi service , free Initiative , free competition , law nº 13.640/2018