Instituições formais do país e alianças estratégicas: um estudo no segmento de teste clínico de medicamentos no Brasil

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Fraga, Elio Augusto
Bataglia, Walter
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Membros da banca
Klement, Claudia Fernanda Franceschi
Hoffmann, Valmir Emil
Rossetto, Carlos Ricardo
Saes, Maria Sylvia Macchione
Administração de Empresas
This study aimed to investigate the relationships between the country's formal institutions, the relational capacity and the performance of strategic contractual alliances celebrated between the CROs and the pharmaceutical companies in Brazil to conduct clinical trials. The object of the study focuses on strategic contractual alliances between Contract Research Organizations (CROs) and companies in the pharmaceutical industry. This is an interdisciplinary study and, for this purpose, the study of multiple cases was used. Primary data on nine alliances were collected from semi-structured interviews with their main managers. The participating companies were chosen for convenience from the data registered on the website, at INTERFARMA, ABRACRO, and registered in the database of the research group on Management of the Dynamic Capacity of Organizations (GCD) of Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (UPM ). Data analysis was performed using the thematic content analysis technique with categories defined a priori. From the intersection of categories and cases, tentative theoretical proposals, not definitive ones, were induced to be tested in future works. The results show that the relational capacity plays a mediating role in the relationship between formal institutions in the country and the performance of strategic contractual alliances for conducting clinical trials and that the formal institutions in the country influence the development and performance of the alliance. The influence of regulatory agencies and government agencies on the performance of alliances is also highlighted.
instituições formais , aliança estratégica , capacidade de relacional , desempenho de alianças estratégicas , economia dos custos de transação , testes clínicos.
Assuntos Scopus
FRAGA, Elio Augusto. Instituições formais do país e alianças estratégicas: um estudo no segmento de teste clínico de medicamentos no Brasil. 2020. 142 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2020