Concessão de rodovias: regulação da infraestrutura de transportes e equilíbrio na imputação de responsabilidade
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Costa, Luis Felipe Borges
Nohara, Irene Patrícia
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo primordial estudar os impactos da evolução
histórica brasileira no desenvolvimento dos modais de transporte, mais precisamente
o crescimento expressivo da malha rodoviária, citando suas vantagens e
desvantagens para o desenvolvimento no setor de transporte da infraestrutura, bem
como por qual razão o modal rodoviário tornou-se o principal meio de transporte
brasileiro. Procurou-se trazer também a análise da relação Estado-Concessionário,
expondo os objetivos e as características dos contratos de concessão. Em paralelo,
são abordadas as competências das entidades reguladoras – seja em esfera federal
ou estadual – na fiscalização e administração da prestação dos serviços públicos em
rodovias, bem como a complexidade da política tarifária no setor de concessão de
rodovias. Por fim, abordam-se as espécies e os limites da responsabilidade civil das
Concessionárias de serviço público e do Estado, diante de algum dano provocado.
The present work has as its primary objective to study the impacts of brazilian historical evolution in the development of transport modals, more precisely the expressive growth of the road network, citing its advantages and disadvantages for the development in the transport sector of infrastructure, as well as why the road modal has become the main means of Transport Brazilian. We also tried to bring the analysis of the State-Dealer relationship, exposing the objectives and characteristics of concession contracts. In parallel, the competencies of regulatory authorities – whether at the federal or state level – are addressed in the supervision and administration of the provision of public services on highways, as well as the complexity of tariff policy in the highway concession sector. Finally, the species and limits of civil liability of public service concessionaires and the State are addressed, in the face of some damage caused by.
The present work has as its primary objective to study the impacts of brazilian historical evolution in the development of transport modals, more precisely the expressive growth of the road network, citing its advantages and disadvantages for the development in the transport sector of infrastructure, as well as why the road modal has become the main means of Transport Brazilian. We also tried to bring the analysis of the State-Dealer relationship, exposing the objectives and characteristics of concession contracts. In parallel, the competencies of regulatory authorities – whether at the federal or state level – are addressed in the supervision and administration of the provision of public services on highways, as well as the complexity of tariff policy in the highway concession sector. Finally, the species and limits of civil liability of public service concessionaires and the State are addressed, in the face of some damage caused by.
modais de transporte , contratos de concessão , serviço público , transport modals , concession agreements , civil servisse