Autocomposição no âmbito da lei de improbidade administrativa
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Thiago, Maria Augusta Micheletti
Mourão, Carolina Theodoro Mota
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O presente artigo tem o objetivo de discutir a vedação aos institutos da justiça consensual expressa no §1º do art. 17 da Lei de Improbidade Administrativa. O objetivo é analisar, a partir de uma interpretação sistemática de outros dispositivos legais presentes no ordenamento brasileiro, a possibilidade do uso dos institutos da transação, acordo ou conciliação nas ações de improbidade. A presente pesquisa utiliza-se da revisão bibliográfica a partir do método analítico-descritivo. Conclui-se que não há incompatibilidade no sistema jurídico brasileiro que não permita o uso de alternativas consensuais no âmbito da lei de improbidade administrativa.
This article aims to discuss the prohibition of the institutes of consensual justice expressed in §1 of art. 17 of the Administrative Misconduct Law. The objective is to analyze, from a systematic interpretation of other legal provisions present in the Brazilian order, the possibility of using the institutes of the transaction, agreement or conciliation in the actions of misconduct. This research uses the literature review from the analytical-descriptive method. It is concluded that there is no incompatibility in the Brazilian legal system that does not allow the use of consensual alternatives under the law of administrative misconduct.
This article aims to discuss the prohibition of the institutes of consensual justice expressed in §1 of art. 17 of the Administrative Misconduct Law. The objective is to analyze, from a systematic interpretation of other legal provisions present in the Brazilian order, the possibility of using the institutes of the transaction, agreement or conciliation in the actions of misconduct. This research uses the literature review from the analytical-descriptive method. It is concluded that there is no incompatibility in the Brazilian legal system that does not allow the use of consensual alternatives under the law of administrative misconduct.
autocomposição , lei de improbidade administrativa , justiça consensual , self-composition , consensual justice , administrative misconduct law