O uso do ciclo da inteligência competitiva na gestão do processo de inovação do open banking: um estudo em instituições financeiras brasileiras

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Sosa Filho, Eduardo
Perez, Gilberto
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Membros da banca
Cesar, Ana Maria Roux Valentini Coelho
Moraes, Gustavo Hermínio Salati Marcondes de
Administração de Empresas
With this research, it was tried to verify how the competitive intelligence cycle can be used to generate inputs for the management of open banking innovation. The research method used was qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory. The sector chosen was Brazil’s financial industry, with the participation of six national banks. The manager of these institutions shared experiences through in-depth interviews, direct by a previously prepared script. The data analysis was performed using content analysis. The results of the research, obtained by forming eight categories, indicated that competitive intelligence has the potential to generate useful information for the process of product innovation and open banking related services. The research results indicated that the competitive intelligence cycle is integrated with the process of innovation of products and services in Brazilian banks, as a relevant starting point for triggering innovation. The results also indicated that even though open banking innovation brings opportunities for new products and services for banks, fintechs, and digital retail companies, this innovation is still surrounded by uncertainties on the context of financial institutions. At the end of the research, relations between the identified categories and the specific objectives were pointed out, as well as the proposition of a scheme of interrelation between the categories identified. This scheme suggests that the competitive intelligence cycle evolves by searching for information, generating useful results to promote the development and improvement of products and services related to open banking innovation
inteligência competitiva , inovação , open banking
Assuntos Scopus
SOSA FILHO, Eduardo. O uso do ciclo da inteligência competitiva na gestão do processo de inovação do open banking: um estudo em instituições financeiras brasileiras. 2020. 96 f. Dissertação (Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo. 2020.