A história do futebol: análise da natureza jurídica adotada pelos clubes e suas consequências
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Alberti, Anna Flávia Gonzalez Bruder
Lima, Cinira Gomes
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Este trabalho busca estudar o surgimento dos clubes de futebol nacionais e o desenvolvimento do esporte em caráter profissional, com enfoque na forma jurídica adotada para gerir a atividade por eles praticada. Para tanto, aborda-se as origens do futebol no mundo, no Brasil, e como suas raízes sociais influenciaram a forma de organização jurídica adotada pelas instituições ao longo dos anos. A metodologia analisa as possíveis formas jurídicas de organização trazidas pelo ordenamento jurídico brasileiro atualmente, quais sejam (i) associação civil sem fins lucrativos e (ii) societária; considerando e analisando seus prós e contras, bem como o histórico legislativo desportivo nacional acerca do tema. Na mesma esteira, em caráter comparativo, aborda os modelos jurídicos adotados internacionalmente por clubes de renome em competições desportivas de alto rendimento. Utilizando-se como suporte a legislação nacional, a doutrina e situações reais atuais vividas por clubes de futebol profissionais nacionais e estrangeiros buscou-se estabelecer um panorama de qual seria o modelo jurídico mais confiável e próspero a ser adotado para a organização e governança de um clube profissional de futebol na atualidade, e se seria o então chamado “clube empresa”.
This work aims at studying the emergence of national soccer clubs and their development of the sport professionally, focussing on the legal way adopted to manage the activity practiced by them. Thereby, it approaches soccer’s origins around the world and in Brazil, and how its social roots contributed to the way the institutions have legally organized themselves over the years. The methodology analyses the possible legal forms of organization viable according to current Brazilian Legal System Order which are (i) Non-Profit Civil Associations and (ii) Corporations; considering the pros and cons, as well as the Sporting legislative history about the theme. Comparatively, it approaches the legal models internationally adopted by soccer clubs who disputes the biggest and most renowned competitions. By using the national legislation, legal doctrine and real situations experienced by national and foreign professional soccer clubs this work aimed to establish an overview of which would be the most reliable legal model to be adopted to manage a professional soccer club nowadays, and if it would be the so called “company-club”.
This work aims at studying the emergence of national soccer clubs and their development of the sport professionally, focussing on the legal way adopted to manage the activity practiced by them. Thereby, it approaches soccer’s origins around the world and in Brazil, and how its social roots contributed to the way the institutions have legally organized themselves over the years. The methodology analyses the possible legal forms of organization viable according to current Brazilian Legal System Order which are (i) Non-Profit Civil Associations and (ii) Corporations; considering the pros and cons, as well as the Sporting legislative history about the theme. Comparatively, it approaches the legal models internationally adopted by soccer clubs who disputes the biggest and most renowned competitions. By using the national legislation, legal doctrine and real situations experienced by national and foreign professional soccer clubs this work aimed to establish an overview of which would be the most reliable legal model to be adopted to manage a professional soccer club nowadays, and if it would be the so called “company-club”.
direito empresarial , direito desportivo , clube empresa , futebol , gestão desportiva , business law , sporting law , soccer law , sports management