Criptoativos: reflexos na penhora e sucessão
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Moraes, Giovanna Vieira de
Nakamoto, Felipe Assis de Castro Alves
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Este trabalho discute os reflexos da natureza descentralizada das transações com criptoativos
em dois aspectos cruciais: penhora e sucessão. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar as
implicações jurídicas relacionadas aos bens digitais e seu impacto na penhora de criptoativos
em processos judiciais, analisando os desafios legais e práticos na identificação, avaliação e
apreensão dos criptoativos para realizar a penhora, com ênfase na crescente relevância das
criptomoedas, bem como explora a necessidade de regulamentação e clareza na transferência
desses ativos digitais herdados, as complexidades na partilha desses bens, a rastreabilidade do
patrimônio em blockchain, a questão do limite de território dos negócios em criptomoedas e o
sistema de corretagem. O trabalho foi divido em quatro capítulos, sendo que a divisão deles
observará inicialmente os conceitos, origem e finalidade dos criptoativos, com ênfase nas
criptomoedas. Após, explicará a tecnologia do blockchain, posteriormente, as criptomoedas e
o sistema de corretagem e por fim, discorrerá sobre a penhora dos criptoativos. A pesquisa
destaca a importância da atualização das leis brasileiras para abordar de forma adequada os
desafios emergentes relacionados aos criptoativos.
This work discusses the effects of the decentralized nature of cryptoasset transactions on two crucial aspects: attachment and inheritance. The objective of this work is to present the legal implications related to digital assets and their impact on the seizure of cryptoassets in legal proceedings, analyzing the legal and practical challenges in identifying, evaluating and seizing cryptoassets to carry out the seizure, with emphasis on the growing relevance of cryptocurrencies, as well as exploring the need for regulation and clarity in the transfer of these inherited digital assets, the complexities in sharing these assets, the traceability of assets on blockchain, the issue of the territory limit of cryptocurrency businesses and the brokerage system. The work has been divided into four chapters, which will initially look at the concepts, origin and purpose of cryptoassets, with an emphasis on cryptocurrencies. Next, it will explain blockchain technology, then cryptocurrencies and the brokerage system and finally, it will discuss the attachment of cryptoassets. The research highlights the importance of updating Brazilian laws to adequately address the emerging challenges related to cryptocurrencies.
This work discusses the effects of the decentralized nature of cryptoasset transactions on two crucial aspects: attachment and inheritance. The objective of this work is to present the legal implications related to digital assets and their impact on the seizure of cryptoassets in legal proceedings, analyzing the legal and practical challenges in identifying, evaluating and seizing cryptoassets to carry out the seizure, with emphasis on the growing relevance of cryptocurrencies, as well as exploring the need for regulation and clarity in the transfer of these inherited digital assets, the complexities in sharing these assets, the traceability of assets on blockchain, the issue of the territory limit of cryptocurrency businesses and the brokerage system. The work has been divided into four chapters, which will initially look at the concepts, origin and purpose of cryptoassets, with an emphasis on cryptocurrencies. Next, it will explain blockchain technology, then cryptocurrencies and the brokerage system and finally, it will discuss the attachment of cryptoassets. The research highlights the importance of updating Brazilian laws to adequately address the emerging challenges related to cryptocurrencies.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao Prêmio TCC
criptoativos , criptomoedas , direito sucessório , penhora , cryptoassets , cryptocurrencies , inheritance law , seizure